Venue: Chamber - Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
To receive any Declarations of Interest You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation from the requirement to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
Minutes: Declarations of interest were reported as follows:
Councillor Lewis Bartoli – Non-Registerable Personal - Item 4, Motion 5– owns a property in Front Street which is mentioned in the motion.
Councillor Liam Bones - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 4 and Item 5 – family member is employee of North Tyneside Council.
Councillor Julie Cruddas - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 5 - family member is employee of North Tyneside Council.
Councillor Frank Lott - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 5 – family member is employee of North Tyneside Council.
Councillor Wendy Lott - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 5 – family member is employee of North Tyneside Council.
Councillor Tommy Mulvenna - Non-Registerable Personal – Item 5 - family members who work for the authority.
Councillor Martin Murphy - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 5 – family member is employee of North Tyneside Council.
Councillor Rebecca O’Keefe - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 5 – family member is employee of North Tyneside Council.
Councillor Pat Oliver - Non-Registerable Personal – Item 4, Motion 6 - family members who receives adult social care from Council.
Councillor Jane Shaw - Registerable Personal – Item 5 - Councillor Shaw's husband works for Monkseaton High School.
Councillor Matthew Thirlaway - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 4, Motion 6 and Item 5- has a family member who is employed by an adult social care provider, he is employed by a social care provider who receives funding from North Tyneside Council and has a family member who is employed by is employed by North Tyneside Council.
Minutes of the meetings held on 18 January 2024, 1 February 2024 and 15 February 2024 The minutes of the meetings held on 18 January 2024, 1 February 2024 and 15 February 2024 are attached for approval. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair confirmed to the Council and gallery that Motion 8 had been withdrawn and would therefore not be debated or discussed that evening.
An announcement of a change in order of business was made so that Item 4 would swap place with Item 5.
The Chair gave those councillors who were standing down in May the opportunity to speak to the Council. Councillors Debbie Cox, Margaret Hall, Erin Parker-Leonard, Matt Wilson, Val Jamieson and Michelle Fox took the opportunity to thank their colleagues and officers for support and the opportunity to serve their residents and wards.
Councillor John Harrison made a statement on behalf of Councillor John Hunter, and passed on his thanks to colleagues, residents and officers.
Regarding the minutes of the 15 February meeting, Councillor Davis asked that Motion 5 be amended to reflect that Councillor Carl Johnson requested that the Community Independent Group withdraw that Motion, that they had refused this request and asked that the Motion continue to be heard and recorded through the Council’s procedures as usual.
Councillor Bones proposed a Motion without notice to amend those minutes to reflect Councillor Davis’ statement. This was agreed unanimously.
RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meetings held on 18 January 2024, 1 February 2024 and 15 February 2024 be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
North Tyneside Council Pay Policy 2024/25 The Localism Act 2011 requires all local authorities to prepare and publish a Pay Policy Statement before the 31 March each year. The Act requires that the statement is approved by full Council. The report is seeking the approval of full Council of the Pay Policy Statement 2024/25. Additional documents: Minutes: A report was received which sets out the recommendation that the Council approve the Pay Policy statement for 2024/25 and authorises publication of the Pay Policy.
The Localism Act 2011 (“the Act”) requires all local authorities to prepare and publish a Pay Policy Statement. This statement must set out each of the Authority’s policies on a range of issues relating to its workforce, including the remuneration of its Chief Officers (as defined for the purposes of preparing a Pay Policy Statement by the Act) and the remuneration of its lowest paid employees. Pay Policy statements must be prepared for each financial year, approved by full Council, and then published.
It was moved by Councillor Carl Johnson and seconded by Councillor Sandra Graham that Council:
(1) approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2024/25
The recommendation was agreed unanimously. |
Motion 1 Health Impacts of Air Pollution in Planning Applications 8 valid Motions on Notice, signed by at least three Members of the Council, have been received for consideration at this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair moved a Motion with notice that Councillor Bones be not heard further on a Motion that Councillor Bones had tried to move without notice. The Motion that Councillor Bones be not heard further was seconded by Councillor Thirlaway. This Motion was voted on and the majority agreed that Councillor Bones be not heard further on this matter.
Councillor Davis moved a Motion on Health Impacts of Air Pollution in Planning Applications, and it was seconded by Councillor Fox that:
The Community Independent Group moves that North Tyneside Council should take into account the health impacts of air pollution, particularly in areas with higher prevalence of poorer health outcomes, when evaluating planning applications for petrol stations. This aligns with our commitment to prioritise public health; cleaner air and well-being in urban development decisions. It also is in keeping with the government guidance on healthy and safe communities which states that planning and health need to be taken together in two ways: in terms of creating environments that support and encourage healthy lifestyles, and in terms of identifying and securing the facilities needed for primary, secondary and tertiary care, and the wider health and care system (taking into account the changing needs of the population). The motion is also consistent with the North Tyneside plan for a Green and Caring North Tyneside.
Council therefore requests that the Director for Regeneration and Economic Development: 1. undertakes an evaluation of how the Authority’s Planning process could be adapted to take into account the health impacts of air pollution, particularly in areas with higher prevalence of poorer health outcomes, when evaluating planning applications for petrol stations; and 2. reports the findings of the evaluation to the Planning Committee for it to then determine whether to implement any changes to the planning process in relation to the determination of planning applications for petrol stations.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Bartoli and seconded by Councillor Bones as follows:
In the introductory paragraph replace ‘Community Independent Group’ with ‘Council’. Remove the second paragraph after the first sentence and replace with ‘Acknowledge the essential role of petrol stations in providing vital services, especially in communities where electric cars may be less accessible due to their higher cost, we also recognize the benefits they bring to these areas. Therefore, the motion aims to strike a balance between public health considerations and the needs of these communities, while ensuring that any adverse health impacts are mitigated. In addition to the above, the Council should consider asking developers to produce a health impact assessment in certain cases, especially where there is a significant potential for adverse health effects due to air pollution from petrol stations. This assessment would help ensure that any planning decisions take into account both the potential health implications for local residents and the benefits that petrol stations provide to these communities.’
Remove the entirety of the third paragraph and replace with ‘Therefore the Council requests that the Director for Regeneration and Economic Development: ... view the full minutes text for item C88/23 |
Motion 2 NHS Dentists Minutes: It was agreed that prior to moving the motion that a minor correction be made to the last paragraph of the motion, in that ‘North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board’ should replace ‘Northumbria Health Trust’. It was moved by Councillor Samuel, and seconded by Councillor Drummond that:
North Tyneside Council notes the appalling lack of dentists accepting new NHS patients in the Borough and the increasing number of dental practices moving to private patients only. This failure has been apparent for some time now, but action taken by the Conservative Government has failed to address this situation. Poor dental health, particularly amongst children, is having serious consequences for the future health of our residents. North Tyneside Council calls on the Elected Mayor to write to North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to ask for urgent action to address the problem.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Bones and seconded by Councillor Scargill as follows:
To remove the section of the second sentence that begins ‘but action taken by the Conservative Government has failed to address the situation’.
To add ‘Establish a Dental Taskforce chaired by the Mayor which brings together leading dental professionals, the NHS Trust, Councillors Officers and other stakeholders to directly address the issues facing dentists in North Tyneside and work with the Government to iron out the issues.’
To remove the initial part of the final sentence ‘North Tyneside Council calls on the Elected Mayor to…’.
The amended motion therefore read:
North Tyneside Council notes the appalling lack of dentists accepting new NHS patients in the Borough and the increasing number of dental practices moving to private patients only. This failure has been apparent for some time now. Poor dental health, particularly amongst children, is having serious consequences for the future health of our residents. North Tyneside Council calls on the Elected Mayor to:
Establish a Dental Taskforce chaired by the Mayor which brings together leading dental professionals, the NHS Trust, Councillors Officers and other stakeholders to directly address the issues facing dentists in North Tyneside and work with the Government to iron out the issues.
To write to North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to ask for urgent action to address the problem.
A named vote on the amendment was requested by two members present. Votes for the amendment: Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, T Hallway, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, V Jamieson, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Johnsson, C Johnston, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, M Murphy, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, E Parker-Leonard, B Pickard, ... view the full minutes text for item C89/23 |
Motion 3 Civility in Public life Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Parker-Leonard, and seconded by Councillor Graham that: Robust debate and scrutiny are essential aspects of our democratic process; abuse and intimidation shouldn’t have to be. Abuse can make elected representatives feel they need to step down and put potential future candidates off standing altogether – with women, people from a minority ethnic background, and those with disabilities suffering a disproportionate level of this behaviour. As Elected Members we must lead by example. We all have a responsibility to challenge this and have the duty to set the tone when campaigning. We call upon candidates to take the civility pledge and run a respectful campaign and to reject intimidation in the run-up to general and local elections in the UK and consider sharing the pledge on social media to strengthen the message. We call upon North Tyneside Council to endorse the recommendations of the Jo Cox Civility Commission recommendations and ask the Elected Mayor and Cabinet to consider signing up on behalf of the Authority to the Civility and respect pledge put forward by the National Association of Local Council, specifically signpost all Elected Members to the Local Governments Associations (LGA) Debate not Hate; and ensure it is included in inductions of Elected Members. We call upon all Elected Members to read the call to action and endorse the recommendations of the Jo Cox Civility Commission recommendations. We call upon all the leaders of each political party who stands candidates in North Tyneside to read, understand and agree to the key points in the joint statement on conduct of political party members created by the Committee on standards in public life.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Johnsson and seconded by Councillor Bones as follows:
That ‘members of the LGBT+ community’ be inserted into the second sentence after the word ‘background’.
The amended motion therefore read:
Robust debate and scrutiny are essential aspects of our democratic process; abuse and intimidation shouldn’t have to be. Abuse can make elected representatives feel they need to step down and put potential future candidates off standing altogether – with women, people from a minority ethnic background, members of the LGBT+ community and those with disabilities suffering a disproportionate level of this behaviour. As Elected Members we must lead by example. We all have a responsibility to challenge this and have the duty to set the tone when campaigning. We call upon candidates to take the civility pledge and run a respectful campaign and to reject intimidation in the run-up to general and local elections in the UK and consider sharing the pledge on social media to strengthen the message. We call upon North Tyneside Council to endorse the recommendations of the Jo Cox Civility Commission recommendations and ask the Elected Mayor and Cabinet to consider signing up on behalf of the Authority to the Civility and respect pledge put forward by the National Association of Local Council, specifically signpost all Elected Members to the Local Governments Associations (LGA) Debate not ... view the full minutes text for item C90/23 |
Motion 4 Levelling Up Minutes: (Councillors Hallway and Parker Leonard left the meeting at this point.)
It was moved by Councillor Carl Johnson, and seconded by Councillor Thirlaway that:
Only 20% or Towns funding and a similarly low percentage of ‘Levelling Up fund’ funding has been spent, despite being awarded many years ago in some cases. Government dithering over signing off business cases have caused costs to skyrocket because of the Conservatives mismanagement of the economy, this will mean many of the projects will never complete. Michael Gove’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUCH) recently handed over £2billion in levelling up funds back to the treasury, while giving nothing to our borough. The Conservative Government have rejected every single application for levelling up funds North Tyneside Council has submitted and place us as a priority two area. We have shovel ready schemes in Wallsend, North Shields, and the North West ready to go. Council calls upon the Mayor to write to the Secretary of State for levelling up Housing and Communities and call upon him to release underspend funding at DLUCH to North Tyneside council for our shovel ready projects.
An amendment was moved by Councillor McAlpine and seconded by Councillor Johnston as follows:
To remove the second sentence completely, and from the third sentence remove the words ‘Micheal Gove’ and replace it with ‘The’.
From the fourth sentence, remove the word ‘Conservative’, and remove the phrase ‘rejected every single’ and replace it with ‘yet to approve an’ and replace ‘has’ with have’ later in that sentence.
A named vote on the amendment was requested by two members present.
Votes for the amendment: Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, J Johnsson, C Johnston, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, O Scargill, J Wallace.
Votes against the amendment: Councillors B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, M Murphy, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, J Shaw, A Spowart, M Thirlaway, J Walker, M Wilson.
The amendment was rejected by 41 votes to 8 votes, with 2 abstentions.
A named vote on the substantive motion was requested by two members present.
Votes for the amendment: Councillors B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, V Jamieson, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, M Murphy, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, J Shaw, A Spowart, M Thirlaway, J Walker, M Wilson.
The amendment was approved by 43 votes, ... view the full minutes text for item C91/23 |
Motion 5 Support Measures for Tynemouth Business Community affected by Major Infrastructure Projects Minutes: (Councillors Bartoli and Murphy left the meeting at this point)
It was moved by Councillor Johnston, and seconded by Councillor Scargill that: The current infrastructure projects undertaken in Tynemouth, notably the creation of a one-way system and cycle path, have resulted in significant disruption to residents and businesses alike, mirroring the challenges faced during the embankment walkway construction in North Shields. The adverse effects on local businesses in Tynemouth, particularly along Front Street, Percy Park Road, and Grand Parade, are evidenced by substantial drops in revenue compared to previous years, posing a threat to their sustainability and viability. The standstill traffic along the seafront and Broadway experienced every weekend is dissuading potential visitors and diminishing footfall, compounding the economic strains faced by local enterprises. Recognizing the proactive approach taken in North Shields fish quay, where the Council applied business rate relief to mitigate the loss in trade experienced by affected businesses this Council requests the Mayor and Cabinet to explore support measures for the business community in Tynemouth. The support focuses on alleviating the economic burden and fostering resilience amidst on-going infrastructure developments. These measures may include: • Implementing a rent relief scheme tailored to the needs of affected businesses on Front Street, Percy Park Road, and Grand Parade. • Suspending parking charges in the vicinity to encourage patronage and ease accessibility for customers. • Providing financial support for public transport costs to facilitate mobility and mitigate traffic congestion. • Any other appropriate schemes deemed necessary to safeguard the economic vitality of local businesses during this period of transition. This motion seeks to demonstrate the Council's commitment to supporting the Tynemouth business community and ensuring that they receive equitable assistance akin to that provided in other affected areas. Through collaborative efforts, North Tyneside are committed to mitigating the adverse impacts of infrastructure projects and foster a thriving local economy for the benefit of all residents and businesses alike.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Davis and seconded by Councillor Fox as follows:
In the second paragraph, replace the word ‘experienced’ with ‘where it can be evidenced’.
A named vote on the amendment was requested by two members present.
Votes for the amendment: Councillors C Davis, M Fox.
Votes against the amendment: Councillors L Bones, B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Johnsson, C Johnston, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, O Scargill, J Shaw, A Spowart, M Thirlaway, J Walker, J Wallace, M Wilson.
The amendment was rejected by 49 votes to 2 votes, with 1 abstention.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Carl Johnson and seconded by Councillor Samuel as follows:
To remove all the first ... view the full minutes text for item C92/23 |
Motion 6 Real Living Wage Minutes: (Councillor Thirlaway left the meeting at this point)
It was moved by Councillor Davis, and seconded by Councillor Jamieson that: Information from the Living Wage Foundation shows that there are 28 organisations in North Tyneside that pay their employees a Real Living Wage, which is defined as £12.00 per hour. North Tyneside Council is not one of them though it is acknowledged that the Council is working towards this goal. There are other Councils in the North-East that have decided to become an accredited Real Living Wage employer, including both Newcastle City Council and Sunderland City Council. Council resolves to request that the Elected Mayor and Cabinet:
1. applauds the work of the Tyne and Wear Citizens Group who have been campaigning on the Real Living Wage in the North-East for several years; 2. requests Officers to explore the financial implications of adopting the Real living wage and how these costs may be factored into the budgeting process in future years; and 3. agrees to encourage other employers in North Tyneside to also become an accredited real living wage employer.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Carl Johnson and seconded by Councillor Samuel as follows:
Remove the last sentence in the first paragraph, and insert the below paragraphs after this point. ‘Notes North Tyneside council at the time of the last pay award was paying its staff on the lowest pay scale £11.59 above the level of the then real living wage level of £10.90 which was the living wage for financial year 23/24. Notes that on conclusion of the current nationally negotiated pay award the lowest paid North Tyneside staff will once again be paid at least the real living wage with all payments backdated for the year 24/25. The quirk exists because the Real living wage foundation releases their wage in October while councils pay awards begin in April.’
A named vote on the amendment was requested by two members present.
Votes for the amendment: Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Johnsson, C Johnston, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, O Scargill, J Shaw, A Spowart, J Walker, J Wallace, M Wilson.
The amendment was approved unanimously.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Bones and seconded by Councillor Bartoli as follows:
To add ‘If the Council adopts the real living wage,’ to the start of request 3.
Votes for the amendment: Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, J Harrison, ... view the full minutes text for item C93/23 |
Motion 7 Support for the Community Power Pledge Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Davis, and seconded by Councillor Fox that:
Community empowerment is crucial for fostering local development and engagement. Momentum is growing across the country for the proposal of a Community Power Act. This would be a transformative piece of legislation that would give local people the powers they need to shape the places where they live aims to enhance community involvement in decision-making processes; 1. The Act proposes to Establish three new community rights to take ownership of spaces, public services and investment; 2. Create Community Covenants to bring local people, organisations and local authorities together; and 3. Establish a Community Power Commissioner to uphold new community rights
It is imperative for our local representatives to actively support initiatives that promote community empowerment.
Therefore, Council resolves to request the Elected Mayor and Cabinet to consider: 1. acknowledging the significance of the Community Power Pledge in fostering community; 2. recognising the positive impact of empowering communities has in decision-making processes; 3. urging all Members of Parliament representing North Tyneside to actively support and endorse the Community Power Pledge at the national level; and 4. committing to working collaboratively with local communities to implement measures that align with the principles of the Community Power Pledge.
It is also resolved that a copy of this motion, if agreed, be sent to each Member of Parliament representing North Tyneside.
A named vote on the substantive motion was requested by two members present.
Votes for the motion: Councillors B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, J Shaw, A Spowart, J Walker, M Wilson.
Votes against the motion: Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, J Johnsson, C Johnston, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, O Scargill, J Wallace.
The Motion was approved by 40 votes to 8 votes. |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements by the Chair of Council.
Minutes: The Chair thanked the Deputy Chair, Councillor Steve Cox, for covering his recent events and appointments. |
Elected Mayor's Announcements To receive any announcements by the Elected Mayor.
Minutes: The Mayor wished all the best to all candidates on the forthcoming election trail. |
Questions by Members of the Council 9 valid questions on notice have been received for a response at this meeting.
Minutes: The Chair received an agreement from members to adding an extra 15 minutes to the meeting time to allow for the member’s questions.
Question 1 - from Councillor Joe Kirwin
I am concerned that Northumbria University is aiming to reduce staff costs by approximately 5.5% before the beginning of the next financial year. This equates to a £12.5 million reduction in staff costs. Northumbria University have refused to rule out the potential for compulsory redundancies which would negatively impact North Tyneside residents who are either employed by or are studying at Northumbria University. The use of compulsory redundancies will result in damage to the reputation of higher institutions and negatively impact the quality of the education and the support that North Tyneside residents at Northumbria University currently receive.
Will the Elected Mayor write to the Minister of State for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education and ask him to urgently review direct funding provided to universities.
Councillor Steven Phillips provided the following response:
Northumbria University, alongside other Higher Education institutions located in the North East, are an important and valued asset to the Region. It is vital that alongside being a major local employer that Northumbria University is able to respond to the needs of our residents. This includes young people progressing onto higher education courses, along with adults who access these important local institutions to study to improve their skills and life chances.
Yes, the Mayor will write to the Minister to ask him to urgently review direct funding provided to universities.
Question 2 - from Councillor Matthew Thirlaway
Can the Mayor or Cabinet member give an update on the situation with our schools which are having issues with their buildings?
Councillor Steven Phillips provided the following response:
I am pleased to report that all students are now back to face-to-face learning with a range of short and medium-term solutions in place at the schools affected.
This has been a difficult and unprecedented incident which has affected the education of around 1700 pupils.
In December 2023 a small part of concrete block fell from the ceiling in Fordley Primary School. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. This prompted a proactive investigation by council officers into the cause and to review the safety at all schools in the Borough.
As a result of this investigation, three further schools were identified in February as needing further assessment to ensure their safety: Churchill Community College, Hazlewood Primary School and Grasmere Academy.
The report for Fordley Primary School was received by council officers on Monday. It showed an historical, isolated issue connected to the mixture of concrete used when the school was built in the 1960s. Investigations at the other three schools have identified similar concerns that we are investigating further.
Our priority throughout has been, and will continue to be, the safety of our pupils and staff. Officers and school staff have been working tirelessly to ensure this happens and to minimise disruption to education.
I’d like to thank school leaders, staff, pupils and the ... view the full minutes text for item C97/23 |