Agenda item

Motion 2 NHS Dentists


It was agreed that prior to moving the motion that a minor correction be made to the last paragraph of the motion, in that ‘North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board’ should replace ‘Northumbria Health Trust’.

It was moved by Councillor Samuel, and seconded by Councillor Drummond that:


North Tyneside Council notes the appalling lack of dentists accepting new NHS patients in the Borough and the increasing number of dental practices moving to private patients only. This failure has been apparent for some time now, but action taken by the Conservative Government has failed to address this situation. Poor dental health, particularly amongst children, is having serious consequences for the future health of our residents.

North Tyneside Council calls on the Elected Mayor to write to North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to ask for urgent action to address the problem.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Bones and seconded by Councillor Scargill as follows:


To remove the section of the second sentence that begins ‘but action taken by the Conservative Government has failed to address the situation’.


To add ‘Establish a Dental Taskforce chaired by the Mayor which brings together leading dental professionals, the NHS Trust, Councillors Officers and other stakeholders to directly address the issues facing dentists in North Tyneside and work with the Government to iron out the issues.’


To remove the initial part of the final sentence ‘North Tyneside Council calls on the Elected Mayor to…’.


The amended motion therefore read:


North Tyneside Council notes the appalling lack of dentists accepting new NHS patients in the Borough and the increasing number of dental practices moving to private patients only. This failure has been apparent for some time now.

Poor dental health, particularly amongst children, is having serious consequences for the future health of our residents. North Tyneside Council calls on the Elected Mayor to:


Establish a Dental Taskforce chaired by the Mayor which brings together leading dental professionals, the NHS Trust, Councillors Officers and other stakeholders to directly address the issues facing dentists in North Tyneside and work with the Government to iron out the issues.


To write to North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to ask for urgent action to address the problem.


A named vote on the amendment was requested by two members present.

Votes for the amendment:

Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, T Hallway, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, V Jamieson, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Johnsson, C Johnston, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, M Murphy, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, E Parker-Leonard, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, O Scargill, J Shaw, A Spowart, M Thirlaway, J Walker, J Wallace, M Wilson.


The amendment was approved unanimously.


A named vote on the substantive motion was requested by two members present.


Votes for the substantive motion:

Councillors L Bartoli, L Bones, B Burdis, K Clark, D Cox, S Cox, N Craven, J Cruddas, E Darke, C Davis, S Day, D Drummond, P Earley, M Fox, S Graham. I Grayson, M Hall, T Hallway, J Harrison, Janet Hunter, V Jamieson, C Johnson, H Johnson, J Johnsson, C Johnston, J Kirwan, F Lott, W Lott, L Marshall, I McAlpine, P McIntyre, A McMullen, J Montague, J Mudzingwa, T Mulvenna, M Murphy, T Neira, A Newman, P Oliver, R O’Keefe, J O'Shea, S Phillips, E Parker-Leonard, B Pickard, N Redfearn, W Samuel, O Scargill, J Shaw, A Spowart, M Thirlaway, J Walker, J Wallace, M Wilson.


The substantive motion was approved unanimously.