Outside body

North of Tyne Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee, on behalf of residents, scrutinises and challenges matters within the remit of the Combined Authority.  It also investigates matters of significant importance to residents within the areas covered by the three Constituent Authorities with a view to influencing decisions made in respect of all matters within the remit of the Combined Authority.


There is a requirement for there to be at least 3 members from each Constituent Authority.


The Members of the Committee taken as a whole should reflect, so far as reasonably practicable, the balance of political parties for the time being prevailing among the Members of the Constituent Authorities of the Combined Authority when taken together.

Contact information

Location: Rotates around North of Tyne region

Lynn Camsell, Newcastle City Council

Newcastle Civic Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne

Phone: 0191 211 6146

Website: www.northoftyne-ca.gov.uk

North Tyneside Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Our representatives