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Adult Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Sub-Committee (no longer active)
Annual Council
Appointments and Disciplinary Committee
Audit Committee
Caring Sub-Committee
Culture and Leisure Sub Committee (no longer active)
Economic Prosperity Sub Committee (no longer active)
Environment Sub Committee (no longer active)
Family Friendly Sub-committee
Finance Sub Committee (no longer active)
Green Sub Committee
Health and Wellbeing Board
Housing Sub Committee (no longer active)
Joint Street Lighting Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee
North East Combined Authority
Overview & Scrutiny Co-ordination & Finance Committee
Overview, Scrutiny & Policy Development Committee (no longer active)
Planning Committee
Regulation and Review Committee
Regulation and Review Committee (Panel)
Safer North Tyneside Partnership Board
Secure Sub-committee
Standards Committee
Standards Sub-committee
Thriving Sub-Committee
Whitley Bay Town Cup Sub-committee
Disclosable Pecuniary
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Non-Registerable Personal
Personal and Prejudicial
Registerable Personal
Bailey, Councillor Tom Bailey
Bartoli, Councillor Jay Bartoli
Bartoli, Councillor Lewis Bartoli
Bell, Councillor Gary Bell
Bell, Councillor Linda Bell
Bell, Councillor Louise Bell
Bones, Councillor Liam Bones
Bunyan, Councillor Paul Bunyan
Burdis, Councillor Brian Burdis
Burtenshaw, Councillor Sarah Burtenshaw
Clark, Councillor Bryan Clark
Clark, Councillor Karen Clark
Cox, Councillor Debbie Cox
Cox, Councillor Steve Cox
Craven, Councillor Naomi Craven
Cruddas, Councillor Julie Cruddas
Darke, Councillor Eddie Darke
Darke, Councillor Linda Darke
Davis, Councillor Cath Davis
Day, Councillor Julie Day
Day, Councillor Sarah Day
Drummond, Councillor Davey Drummond
Earley, Councillor Peter Earley
Fox, Councillor Michelle Fox
Graham, Councillor Sandra Graham
Gray, Councillor Charlie Gray
Grayson, Councillor Ian Grayson
Hall, Councillor Margaret Hall
Hallway, Councillor Tracy Hallway
Harrison, Councillor John Harrison
Holdsworth, Councillor Andy Holdsworth
Hunter, Councillor Janet Hunter
Hunter, Councillor John Hunter
Huscroft, Councillor Nigel Huscroft
Jamieson, Councillor Val Jamieson
Johnson, Councillor Carl Johnson
Johnson, Councillor Hannah Johnson
Johnsson, Councillor John Johnsson
Johnston, Councillor Chris Johnston
Kirwin, Councillor Joe Kirwin
Lilly, Councillor David Lilly
Lott, Councillor Frank Lott
Lott, Councillor Wendy Lott
Madden, Councillor Gary Madden
Marshall, Councillor Louise Marshall
McAlpine, Councillor Ian McAlpine
McGinty, Councillor Claire McGinty
McIntyre, Councillor Pam McIntyre
McMullen, Councillor Anthony McMullen
McMullen, Councillor Liz McMullen
Montague, Councillor Jim Montague
Mudzingwa, Councillor Josephine Mudzingwa
Mulvenna, Councillor Tommy Mulvenna
Murphy, Councillor Martin Murphy
Neira, Councillor Tricia Neira
Newman, Councillor Andy Newman
Nott, Councillor Kristin Nott
O'Keefe, Councillor Rebecca O'Keefe
O'Shea, Councillor John O'Shea
Oliver, Councillor Pat Oliver
Parker-Leonard, Councillor Erin Parker-Leonard
Phillips, Councillor Steven Phillips
Pickard, Councillor Bruce Pickard
Redfearn, Dame Norma Redfearn DBE
Samuel, Councillor Willie Samuel
Scargill, Councillor Dr Olly Scargill
Sharp, Councillor Joanne Sharp
Shaw, Councillor Jane Shaw
Spowart, Councillor Andrew Spowart
Thirlaway, Councillor Matthew Thirlaway
Walker, Councillor Joan Walker
Wallace, Councillor Judith Wallace
Webster, Councillor James Webster
Wilson, Councillor Matt Wilson
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period