Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'To receive any Declarations of Interest'

  • Councillor John Harrison - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 6 Motion 1 - he is a Public Governor of Northumbria NHS Foundation.
  • Councillor Karen Clark - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 6 Motion 1 - is a Co-opted Governor on the NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Councillor Liam Bones - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 6 Motion 2 - that he is a member of a relevant lobby group
  • Councillor Matthew Thirlaway - Non-Registerable Personal - Item 8 – Storm Arwen Task & Finish Group Report - he has a relation employed by the Authority.
  • Councillor Olly Scargill - Non-Registerable Personal - Item6 Motion 1 - he recently completed a educational placement at Northumbria Healthcare Trust.