Issue - decisions

Climate Emergency Declaration Update

29/11/2019 - Climate Emergency Update

Cabinet considered a report which provided an update on the work undertaken since the declaration of a Climate Emergency, and the next steps to be taken to address the commitments agreed by Council in July 2019.


The Climate Emergency declared by the Council set a target to reduce the carbon footprint of the Authority and the Borough by 50% by 2023 and to become carbon neutral by 2050. The Authority was clear in its commitment to tackling the Climate Emergency and had taken a number of immediate steps as detailed in paragraph 1.5.1 of the report.


The Authority’s carbon footprint was made up of the power, heat and water used to run its operational buildings, the electricity used to power over 31,000 street lighting apparatus, the fuel used to operate over 400 fleet vehicles and the business related miles staff travelled in their own vehicles (not including commuting to and from work). The Borough’s carbon footprint was made up of the power and heat used in the commercial, industrial and domestic buildings across the whole of the Borough, emissions from road and rail transport, and land use and forestation activities, which could result in either a release into or removal of emissions from the atmosphere.


To build on the Authority’s track record of reducing carbon emissions and the actions it had already taken since the declaration of a Climate Emergency, the Authority was developing an action plan to identify carbon reduction projects that could be delivered across its own estate. In addition to this, the Authority was procuring external specialist support to develop the actions that could be taken across the Borough by the Authority, residents, businesses and land owners to tackle the Climate Emergency and this would form part of the action plan.


As part of the work programme associated with the declaration of the Climate Emergency, including the development and delivery of an action plan, it was considered appropriate to create a clear and accountable governance structure.


Cabinet was therefore asked to approve the establishment of a Climate Emergency Board which would shape the action plan that would be presented to Cabinet in the summer of 2020; receive regular updates on a number of workstreams; consider and advise on key issues as they emerged; and oversee performance and budget management. The Board would be co-chaired by the Head of Environment, Housing and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.


The action plan would address a number of cross-cutting themes within the Climate Emergency. These included a collective approach to environmental protection; improving energy efficiency in building stock; cleaning up (de-carbonising) the Authority’s electricity supply, heat supply; and travel. Further details on each of the key elements of the action plan were set out in the report.


Although the disposal of waste did not form part of the Authority’s or Borough’s respective carbon footprints, it was nevertheless essential that the Authority continued to improve in this area as part of its long standing commitment to protecting the environment. The action plan would consider the introduction of carbon and natural capital impact targets, in line with the proposals contained in the Government’s Resource and Waste Strategy. These specific proposals would be subject to a spring 2020 consultation by Government. The action plan would naturally be aligned to the Authority’s Waste Strategy 2013-2030 and 10 Year Plan for Waste.


Promotion of the waste hierarchy was a key action, and the Authority would continue to encourage residents to prevent, reuse, and recycle materials and would work with businesses to reduce the amount of commercial waste it generated within the borough.


Cabinet considered the following decision options: either to approve the recommendations as set out in paragraph 1.2 of the report, or alternatively, to not approve the recommendations.


Resolved that (1) the actions taken to date in response to the declaration of a Climate Emergency be noted;

(2) the cross-cutting themes that will form the basis of an action plan to tackle the Climate Emergency be noted;

(3) the Head of Environment, Housing and Leisure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, be authorised to establish a Climate Emergency Board and set its terms of reference; and

(4) a further report and action plan be presented to Cabinet in the summer of 2020.


(Reasons for decision: this will support the delivery of the commitments made in the Climate Emergency report to Council of 25 July 2019.)