To outline the local context and the key strategic challenges currently facing the education system in North Tyneside, the work already underway as part of the Strategic Education and Inclusion Review, and the further work required to tackle these challenges in partnership with educational leaders.
The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion, Employment and Skills presented an update report on Ambition for Education but firstly expressed his congratulation to the children and young people of North Tyneside on their recent achievements in the summer in their GCSEs and Post 16 examinations. He was delighted to say that early indications would suggest results at both at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 are in line with national results.He advised that the young residents of North Tyneside have faced many challenges on the run up to these examinations and it is testimony to the resilience of our young people and school staff that we can celebrate their successes considering the disruption they have endured in their education over the last few years.
It was noted that North Tyneside has an education system to be proud of. A strong performer regionally and nationally, this reflects the hard work of Head Teachers and their teams, governing bodies, Elected Members, Authority staff and the fantastic children and young people.
Cabinet were advised that aligned to the Children and Young People’s Plan 2021-2025, our vision for education in North Tyneside is:
“Making North Tyneside an even greater place for children and young people to thrive; where all can access a high-class education with a culture of inclusion and achievement.”
The purpose of the report presented was to outline the local context, describe the key strategic challenges currently facing the education system in North Tyneside and the work underway as part of the Strategic Education and Inclusion Review. Whilst these are not stand alone decisions for the Local Authority, there is further work required to tackle these challenges in partnership with education leaders.
Within the recommendations, Cabinet are asked to recognise:
Cabinet Resolved to (a) note the key elements regarding the local context and note the continued challenges facing education in the Borough, (b) note and recognise the significant work that has been undertaken in response to the key strategic challenges regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision, including the Authority’s progress since joining the Safety Valve Intervention Programme in April 2023, (c) note the work that has progressed regarding financial sustainability of schools and agreed to progress further work as set out in the report, (d) note the activities undertaken in relation to catchment area amendments across the Borough and the ongoing work in that regard, (e) authorise the Director of Childrens Services and the Director of Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion, Employment and Skills, the Cabinet member for Supporting and Protecting Children and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources to take all necessary steps to progress the worked referred to in recommendations (3) and (4), and (f) agree to receive further reports as required on the progress made as set out in the recommendations above.
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