Agenda item

19/00669/OUT Scaffold Hill Farm, Whitley Road, Benton


The Committee gave consideration to a report of the planning officer in relation to the application, together with an addendum to the report which had been circulated to the members of the Committee at the meeting. A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s speaking rights scheme Mr Keith Page of 17 St. Cuthberts Way, Holystone was permitted to address the Committee. He explained that it was dangerous to try to cross the Holystone bypass using the existing public right of way and questioned the advice given to the Committee in relation to highway safety.  Mr Page referred to the width of the central reservation, the speed of vehicles and visibility in the area to illustrate his concerns. Mr Page asked that by way of an additional condition the applicants should be required to install a pedestrian crossing with fencing at the location prior to the commencement of the proposed development.


Ms Sandra Manson of Pegasus Group addressed the Committee to respond to Mr Page on behalf of the applicant.  Ms Manson endorsed the report of the planning officers which reflected the hard work undertaken to formulate an application which was acceptable in planning terms and took account of previous member comments.  She explained that highways officers had concluded that a crossing point was not required and the size of the development currently before the Committee did not justify the imposition of a condition requiring the provision of the suggested crossing point.  She also referred to how the application complied with the Local Plan in terms of the allocation of the site for housing, the positive visual impact of the proposal particularly when located next to the Rising Sun Country Park, the provision of allotments, the provision of affordable housing, the character, appearance and design of the development and its impact on the highways network. 


Members of the Committee asked questions of Mr Page, Ms Manson and officers and made comments.  In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)            the location and type of pedestrian crossing requested;

b)            the layout of the Holystone Roundabout and the issues that this caused for drivers using the roundabout;

c)            the assurances given that the Highways Manager would be requested to monitor and give further consideration to the need for the installation of an additional crossing point on the Holystone Bypass;

d)            that the Committee had withdrawn the requirement for an additional crossing to be provided in relation to a previous development on the site which had 38 dwellings whereas the application currently before the Committee only had  35 dwellings;

e)            the need for the development to be constructed within the specified operating times to reduce the impact on neighbouring residents;

f)             the timing for the installation of the allotments on the site.





The Head of Environment, Housing and Leisure be granted delegated authority to determine the application providing no further matters arise which in the opinion of the Head of Environment, Housing and Leisure, raise issues not previously considered which justify reconsideration by the Committee.



(The Committee indicated that it was minded to approve the application subject to:

a)            the completion of a Deed of Variation to the original S106 Agreement to secure the following:


·         Playsites, equipped:            £23,906.84

·         Informal areas for play:       £20,126.84

·         Strategic greenspace:         £6,465.79

·         Parks:                                     £15,186.32

·         Primary education:              £108,326,84

·         Affordable housing at 25% with a 75:25 ratio (rent:intermediate);

£11.052 per annum for travel plan delivery and monitoring for the duration of construction and two years post occupation of the development.  The payment for the first two years (£22,104) shall be paid on commencement of development; further payments of £11,052 per year shall be paid each year thereafter until completion of the development and for two years post completion;

·         £47,894.74 to contribute to the provision of public transport in the wider area;

·         Coastal Mitigation:               £8,633.00


b)    the conditions set out in the planning officer’s report incorporating the additional amendment set out in the addendum; and


c) the addition or omission of any other conditions considered necessary by the Head of Environment, Housing and Leisure.)


The applicant will be required to stop up the highway within the site that is no longer required under Section 247/257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


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