Agenda item

116 Woodbine Avenue, Wallsend, Tyne and Wear

To determine a full planning application from Mr Taylor in respect of  116 Woodbine Avenue, Wallsend, Tyne and Wear for a proposed change of use from dwelling apartment to 7 bed HMO including 1 no rooflight to front and 1no rooflight to rear.


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers in relation to a full planning application from Mr Taylor for a proposed change of use from dwelling apartment to 7 bed HMO including 1no. rooflight to front and 1no. rooflight to rear at 116 Woodbine Avenue, Wallsend.


A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s speaking rights scheme Ms A Wright addressed the committee in relation to her objection to the application.  She referred to the lack of sufficient refuse receptacles for the number of people who would be in the premises, that there was insufficient car parking in the area and the increase in the number of residents with cars could result in pavements being blocked by parked vehicles.


Councillor L Marshall addressed the Committee.  She explained that the proposed development would lead to overlooking and loss of privacy for existing residents, there would be parking issues with possibly 7 extra vehicles requiring spaces.  There would be additional traffic due to deliveries to the premises.  She also referred to the lack of soundproofing which would lead to noise and disturbance for the existing residents.  She questioned whether the proposed development would meet room size regulations and stated that it did not meet local planning policy and the Wallsend Master Plan.


Mr Taylor addressed the Committee in support of the application.  He explained that he had been granted a HMO Licence for the premises which meant that the premises met the required standards.  He also explained that single people were less likely to be housed by the Council.  He disputed that the property provided low quality accommodation as it met the standards for a HMO.


Members of the Committee asked questions of the speakers and officers and made comments.  In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)             the information provided by the police in relation to crimes associated with such premises;

b)             Whether the application demonstrated compliance with the Wallsend Master Plan in relation to the improvement of the housing stock;

c)             that 50% of HMO’s in the Borough were located in Wallsend;

d)             The density of 1 and 2 bed properties in the area;

e)             Concerns in relation to overlooking and privacy;

f)               The impact of the development on the community and surrounding area.


The Chair proposed acceptance of the planning officer recommendation that the Committee was minded to grant the application.


On being put to the vote 4 councillors voted for the recommendation and 4 councillors voted against the recommendation.  The Chair then used his casting vote against the recommendation.


Resolved that the application be rejected on the grounds that the proposal for an HMO with limited rooms sizes is contrary to the Wallsend Masterplan which seeks to create a more sustainable community through providing larger, family homes and improving the quality of housing offer in Wallsend.


(Reason for the Decision:  The Committee considered that the application did not improve the quality of the housing offer in the area and did not add to the creation of a sustainable community.) 


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