Agenda item

Land at Newsteads Drive, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear

To determine a full planning application from Argon Property Development Solutions for the construction of a new medical centre with associated access and landscaping works on land to the east of Newsteads Drive, Whitley Bay, North Tyneside to replace the existing Beaumont Park Medical Centre at Hepscott Drive, Whitley Bay (Landscape Environmental Management Plan submitted 08.11.23)


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers together with an addendum circulated in advance of the meeting, in relation to a full planning application submitted by Argon Properties Development Solutions for the construction of a new medical centre with associated access and landscaping works to the east of Newsteads Drive, Whitley Bay to replace the existing Beaumont Park Medical Centre at Hepscott Drive, Whitley Bay.


The planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s Speaking Rights Scheme Phil Hollis was permitted to address the Committee in relation to Mr Gorman’s representations.  He made reference to the local plan policies aimed at protecting the wildlife corridor, land title restrictions, public health guidance in relation to the health and wellbeing of residents, issues around traffic, parking and pedestrian safety.  He also referred to the need for an assessment to be undertaken of the risks associated with coal authority workings under the site.  In addition he also questioned the assertion that there was only one suitable site for the development which happened to be on a green field site.  He also explained that he considered that the residents’ group should be involved in the development of any S106 agreement.


Mr Hollis responded to members questions in relation to suitable alternative sites in the area.


Jen Patterson was permitted to address the committee on behalf of the applicant.  She was accompanied by Dr Rebecca Keogh from the Beaumont Park Medical Practice.  Ms Patterson explained that the development would only use about 16% of the green space and that there were no other sites in the area which would meet the needs of the practice and allow the practice to grow to meet the needs of the community.  It was explained that primary care was changing and the practice needed to adapt to the new ways of working.  Reference was made to the provision of a teaching service being located at the new practice.   

Ms Patterson and Dr Keogh responded to members questions in relation to the age of the existing medical centre.  It was explained that the need for a larger premises was a material planning consideration and the existing rooms at the centre did not meet the current NHS guidelines.


Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers and made comments.  In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)       the modelling of the traffic movements to and from the site;

b)       the number of children who would be crossing the roads near to the site;

c)        the location of the entrances to the nearby supermarket in relation to the development;

d)       the loss of the public open space and the impact that this would have on residential amenity;

e)        the proposed improvements to the remaining open space.  


The Chair proposed acceptance of the planning officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the vote, 5 members voted for the recommendation and 2 voted against the recommendation.


Resolved that:


The Committee indicated that it is minded to grant the application; and

The Director of Regeneration and Economic Development be authorised to issue a notice of grant of planning permission subject to:

The conditions set out in the planning officer’s report and any subsequent addenda and the addition, omission or amendment of any other conditions considered necessary by the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development; and

Completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure a financial contribution for the following:

A financial contribution of £41, 240 towards the management of off-site net gain habitats.


(Reasons for the Decision:  The Committee concluded that having regard to the relevant policies contained in the Local Plan 2017 and the National Planning Policy Framework the proposed development was acceptable in terms of the principle of development and the design and layout of the proposed medical centre.  The development would provide significant public benefit in meeting the health needs of the community and would not adversely affect the privacy and amenity of surrounding properties)


(Councillor Oliver entered the meeting at the conclusion of this item)

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