Agenda item

Heritage & Tourism In North Tyneside

To outline the scale and impact of the existing tourism offer in the Borough and how this is supported by the Council’s heritage assets.


A presentation supporting the circulated report was made to the committee by the Senior Manager for Tourism and Events outlining the scale and impact of the existing tourism offer in the Borough.


The committee was asked to note the information provided and invited to give its input to both offers ideas and inform the current development of tourism in the borough.


Members asked about the current situation with DFDS Scandinavian links, and officers confirmed they were aware of interest from overseas to travel to the Port of Tyne but would investigate further on behalf of the Committee and relay the information.


Members stated that while the Riverside and Coastal areas seemed to be well represented within the report, there was a lack of evidence of work being undertaken in the North West. Officers agreed that while there were no large-scale undertakings in the North West, the team were working on this current challenge to create finically viable events in that area. Officers asked members to contact them directly with any suggestions.


Officers highlighted the work done in the Borough with supporting businesses with skills support and recruitment work, especially with the relaunch of the Tynemouth Castle Inn.


A suggestion was made that there should be a free map available in shops in the borough showing tourist assets and transport links. It was stated that transport in the area seemed more focused on work locations rather than tourist spots. Officers hoped that devolution may help provide progress on this issue, but pointed out that to a lack of volume for tourist transport links may be seem like a risk for commercial transport. It is possible that businesses may look for subsidies from the Authority to work in the way that some members may find ideal.


Officers shared that their experience of working with the North East Combined Authority (NECA) regarding potential tourism opportunities had been positive and believed that closer working ties would still see the borough be able to spotlight its own assets.


In reference to discussions about supporting local private business, officers said they do try and repost events where appropriate, share funding opportunity updates and are in regular contact with venues and promoters. There is also the Mouth of Tyne Collective which supports interesting smaller projects in smaller local venues.


A brief discussion took place around Dial Cottage, and its ownership and the lack of a local statue of Robert Stephenson in the area.


Officers stated that they considered that the expanded cycle lanes within the borough could lead to expanding the reputation of the local economy as eco-friendly and as part of existing cycle routes. The Coast-to-Coast cycle route, with its start at Whitehaven, was also discussed and the Committee was strongly in favour of placing a marker at the Tynemouth end to encourage cyclists to make this the informal end of route choice and to enhance the tourism opportunities.


Members asked about plans for Segedunum, and officers assured the committee that it remained a priority and that another application to Heritage Lottery Fund would be submitted as soon as possible.


Officers mentioned discussing the possibility of the local history team doing more work around Monkseaton and the members discussed the possibility of future investment into the Churchill Community Track to invite in future events, and this expanded into a discussion around the possibility of a Spring Park trail (perhaps tying in with the recent Morph art trail) joining up Parks across North Tyneside.


Members also mentioned further publicity for Rising Sun Country Park to advertise its numerous entrances to spread awareness, as well as an App trail and investment in the borough’s other parks. Officers also confirmed they would investigate the promotion of public safety at Rising Sun and other local parks and feed back to the members.


A discussion took place about focusing on smaller, more niche but marketable events for the borough, rather than the higher profile tentpole events. Officers said that this work was currently happening, and the team were also involved in advising those who were looking to run events in the area.


A suggestion was made about expanding the North Tyneside 10K, and it was agreed that this could be looked at again in the future upon the completion of road works in the area but there would be costs associated with any increase in size.


Officers told members they would enquire at English heritage about the forthcoming plans in place for Tynemouth Priory and feed back to the members.


It was Agreed that (1) the Heritage & Tourism in North Tyneside report be noted; (2) a Local Economy report be brought to the March meeting of the Sub-Committee; and (3) information about the Killingworth LIDL artwork be shared with Committee members via email.


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