Agenda item

Approach to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

There will be a presentation at the meeting.


The board received a presentation on the proposed approach to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).  Board members will be aware that the JSNA provides a picture of health and care needs  for the local community.  It also looks at the health of the population and the behaviours which affect health.  It looks at social issues that have an impact on people’s health and wellbeing, such as education, poverty and employment.  It shows health inequalities.


It is proposed that the JSNA should move forward as a virtual resource with a rolling approach to updating it, covering topics of various aspects of health and wellbeing, referring users to the most relevant and up to date information on each topic.


The presentation highlighted the proposed template for each topic area.  A subject area will produce the chapter using the template structure and guidance.  There will be a consistent structure and layout which will help the reader to easily gather and respond to the needs identified for North Tyneside.


The Board were advised that an editorial board will be established and will consist of members of the performance and intelligence teams across the HWB and key stakeholders such as the ICB, Healthwatch and the LA.


A lead reviewer (lead person with specialist knowledge in that area) has two weeks to provide comments on accuracy, consistency and style in relation to that JSNA topic.  The draft topic will be approved by the health and wellbeing board executive with the final draft being presented to the North Tyneside Health and Wellbeing Board for approval before publication.


The Council website will have a specific JSNA page which will display the developed topics.  They will be categorised where practical with links to the categories displayed on the JSNA webpage.  Where possible they will also be highlighted as ‘prevention’ recognising that some topics such as vaccines, are around preventing illness.


Topics will align with developing strategies, action plans or ‘topical’ programmes of work to support corporate requirements.  A timetable will assure the board of future programmes of work.


It was queried whether this was in addition to the information already provided on the current life course and that this information will also stay. 


It was noted that it has been a little while since the Board looked at the JSNA, the point is that we are looking to move away from the weighty documents which are placed on a shelf.  We are trying to find a much more interactive way of providing the JSNA.  It was also noted that this is a statutory duty of the Health and Wellbeing Board and that partners are very much implicated in the JSNA and we are reliant on partners.  The JSNA should underpin all of our commissioning decisions in Health and Social Care.


It was suggested that we need to make sure that it is clear on the website the links to the wider determinants of health.  It was noted that it is important to make the links across the Council and the other partner agencies.


RESOLVED -         i)         that the Health and Wellbeing Board acknowledged the role of the JSNA in informing strategic action.


                              ii)        that the Health and Wellbeing Board support the JSNA process as set out in the presentation to develop a rolling programme.

                              iii)       that the Health and Wellbeing Board endorsed the governance process and ‘sign off’ topics for publication.