Agenda item

Annual North Tyneside Highway Asset Management Plan Report 2023

To receive the Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) Annual Information Report for 2023.


Cabinet received the North Tyneside Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) Annual Report 2023.


In September 2017, Cabinet adopted an updated Highway Asset Management Plan 2017 - 2032 (HAMP). This sets out the Authority’s approach to maintaining the highways for which the Authority was responsible over a 15?year period and responds to the Elected Mayor and Cabinet’s policy direction which included providing a greater emphasis on footways to help support walking and other means of active travel.  It also responds to feedback from residents which had consistently told the Authority that the maintenance of roads and footpaths was a top priority. This was reflected in the ‘Our North Tyneside Plan’ including a commitment to invest additional capital funding in repairing roads and pavements.  A well-maintained highway network was vital for supporting the local economy and general wellbeing of the Borough.


In presenting the HAMP 2023, this fulfilled the commitment to provide Cabinet with an annual information report outlining the highway and infrastructure work undertaken over the last 12 months.  It included future planned work activities as well as other items of relevant interest.  The annual information report attached to this report was the seventh annual report presented since adoption of the HAMP.


The key highlights drawn from the HAMP annual report at Appendix 1 and as outlined in section 1.5.13 of this report were:


·        The highway network was the most extensive and valuable asset in the Authority’s ownership.

  • The highway network was a strategically important asset and a well-maintained network was vital to support the local economy.  Every day, thousands of residents were reliant on the highway network to travel to work and school.  Visitors to the borough also used the network to access the Authority’s various tourist attractions which further stimulated the local economy.

·        The current total value of highway assets was £1,840,000,000 (£1.84 billion)on a Gross Replacement Cost basis.

·        The successful implementation of the HAMP and the adoption of asset management principles by the Authority was demonstrating that, over the years, the general condition of the road network was good – however, the Authority was now at a point where further investment should be considered if a decline in condition was to be avoided.

·        Due to continued additional Authority investment over the years, the highway network was currently in a good state and adequate to perform its function.  However, given the constraints around Government funding coupled with concerns around inflation, it would become increasingly challenging to maintain the highway in a serviceable condition. 

·        The report suggests that consideration should be given to reviewing investment and maintenance priorities in light of the emerging funding and inflation issues. Discussions would continue around what options might be available for the future management of the network in the most effective way.

·        With regard to reactive maintenance and core services, the Technical Services Partnership continued to achieve its Key Performance Indicator targets and through its Annual Service Plan was identifying innovative ways of working and service improvements which was evident in the report.

·        Customer engagement remained a prominent feature of the HAMP.  Feedback received from customers on their investment priorities was used to inform forward programmes of improvement work.

·        The Authority had successfully delivered all programmed highway asset improvement schemes to date.


Resolved that the content of the Highway Asset Management Plan Annual Information Report 2023 at Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.



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