Agenda item

Greymartins, Backworth, Tree Preservation Order 2019

To consider whether to confirm the making of a Tree Preservation Order.


The Committee was presented with details of a Tree Preservation Order made on 4 April 2019 to protect two groups of trees located within the grounds of Greymartins, Backworth Lane, Backworth.  The Order had been made following notice from the owners of the property that they were considering felling a number of trees due to concerns the trees were causing damage to the property.


The owners of the property had objected to the confirmation of the Order and had provided evidence that damage to the property had been caused by subsidence due to clay soil shrinkage and that the influence of the adjacent trees may have been a contributory factor. The Committee were presented with details of the objection and the evidence of clay soil shrinkage for consideration together with commentary and guidance from the Council’s landscape architect. The Council’s landscape architect advised that the evidence submitted was inconclusive regarding the influence of the trees as other contributory factors such as drainage had been discounted. In view of this and the prominence of the trees and their significant contribution to the character and appearance of the area it was recommended that the Order be confirmed without modification.


Resolved that the Greymartins, Backworth Lane, Backworth Tree Preservation Order 2019 be confirmed without modification.


(Reasons for decision: The evidence submitted to show that damage caused to Greymartins is caused by the trees is inconclusive and the trees contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the area.)


Supporting documents: