Agenda item

Attendance Strategy

To consider a presentation in relation to the formulation of an Attendance Strategy.


The sub-committee received a presentation in relation to the Attendance Strategy.  School attendance had previously been identified by members as an important topic to focus on.  It was noted that the Department for Education had issued guidance Working together to improve school attendance.  The guidance focuses on managing attendance by:

·       Preventing patterns of absence from developing by promoting good attendance

·       Intervening early by using data to spot patters of absence before they become persistent and working with families to remove the barriers to attendance

·       Targeting support for persistent and severe absentees with all local partners working together to reengage pupils


A North Tyneside Attendance Strategy was currently being drafted, which involved consultation with a range of stakeholders.


In relation to attendance in North Tyneside schools, it was noted that there was an increase in emotionally based school non-attendance and term time holidays.  It was noted that the transition between school phases, i.e. first to middle, middle to high, could trigger school attendance issues and that fixed term and permanent exclusions was also a factor in non-attendance figures.


It was highlighted that to deliver the Authorities vision of ‘making North Tyneside an even greater place for children and young people to thrive; where all can access a high-class education with a culture of inclusion and achievement’, children and young people need to engage with the learning process.  Key features of the policy would include: clarity of roles and responsibilities; effective school attendance improvement and management; and development of an approach to emotionally based school non-attendance.


In relation to roles and responsibilities, it was highlighted that the Local Authority, Schools, All Trustees and Governors, Parents and Pupils have a role to play in improving school attendance.  Consultation with Headteachers in relation to the strategy was ongoing and an attendance delivery group and strategic group would be established.  It was noted that the strategy would go to Cabinet for approval and the sub-committee had the opportunity to comment on the proposed strategy.


The following points were raised by members:


-       The sub-committee recognises the importance of excellent school attendance and welcomes the introduction of the strategy;

-       The sub-committee noted that fixed term exclusions have gone up and that work should be done with schools, both Headteachers and governors, to develop a detailed approach to try and reduce enforced absence;

-       It was noted that some schools will have a better rate of attendance than others and that some schools will need a higher lever of support.  Whilst there will be an overall strategy that covers all schools, the sub-committee feel it is important for there to be some bespoke support on offer for schools with the most challenging attendance problems;

-       The strategy should encourage schools to embed improving attendance into the school improvement journey;

-       In monitoring the impact of the strategy, the view of families impacted should be included


It was suggested that the comments above be sent to the Cabinet for Education, Inclusion, Employment and Skills for consideration when finalising the strategy.


It was agreed to note the presentation.


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