Agenda item

21/02546/FUL, Site of The Fusilier, Clydedale Avenue, Forest Hall

To determine a full planning application from Karbon Homes for the erection of 20 affordable homes and associated landscaping.


Speaking Rights Granted to:


·       Local Resident, Martin Swinney

·       Andrew Moss on behalf of the applicant


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers in relation to a full planning application from Karbon Homes for a residential development of 20no. affordable homes and associated landscaping.


A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s Speaking Rights Scheme a local resident Martin Swinney had been granted permission to speak to the Committee. Mr Swinney stated that he was representing the residents of Victoria Avenue who were concerned about safety.  He explained that children used the green and streets to play.  The car park was used by parents on the school run and due to the existing parking issues the view of the access on to Station Road was obscured which caused safety concerns. The development would result in an increase in traffic on the streets which had not been built to take the increase.  He explained that there was insufficient parking for the existing residents.  He also referred to the cycle route to Quorum which was not segregated from the existing traffic.  He stated that the access to the development was not sustainable.


He responded to members questions and explained that a one-way system would ease traffic movement or an alternative access may improve matters.


On behalf of the applicant, Karbon Homes, Andrew Moss addressed the Committee to respond to the speakers’ comments. Mr Moss stated that the application would make an important contribution to the provision of housing in the area and make use of a brownfield site.  The development, which complied with policy, would provide 100% affordable homes and had been reviewed by the highways officer.  The developer had also offered financial contributions towards children’s play, parks and greenspaces, primary education, employment and training as well as the provision of off-site mitigation. He asked the Committee to grant the application.


Mr Moss responded to members questions in relation to car parking, vehicle access and overshadowing. 


Councillor Cruddas read out a number of questions which had been submitted by Councillor Hunter on behalf of residents.  It was explained that questions relating to the responsibility of damage to foundations and issues around fencing and planting were not relevant planning matters.  Questions in relation to a proposed drainage pond and the pedestrian access on to Allendale Avenue were responded to by officers.


Members of the Committee asked questions of the speakers and officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)        parking and traffic management;

b)        water management;

c)        the need for affordable housing


The Chair proposed acceptance of the planning officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the vote, 5 members of the Committee voted for the recommendation and 2 members voted against the recommendation with 0 abstentions.


Resolved that (1) the Committee is minded to grant the application; and

(2) the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development be authorised to issue a notice of grant of planning permission subject to:

i) the conditions set out in the planning officers report;

ii) the addition, omission or amendment of any other conditions considered necessary by the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development; and

iii) the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure 100% affordable housing provision and the following financial contributions;

-Benton Village Green/Local Wildlife Site £3,900

-Children’s equipped play £7,000

-Parks and greenspaces £10,647

-Primary education £50,000

-Employment and training 1 apprenticeship or £10,000

-Coastal Mitigation £3,020

-Open space improvements £18,138


(Reasons for decision: The Committee concluded that, having regard to the relevant policies contained in the Council’s Local Plan 2017 and National Planning Policy Framework, the proposed development was acceptable in terms of the principle of development, including the loss of open space, and its impact on the character and appearance of the area, residential amenity, highway safety and biodiversity.)

Supporting documents: