Agenda item

22/00885/FUL, Moorlands, Murton Lane, Murton

To determine a full planning application from Northumbria Homes Ltd for the demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of 7No. new dwellings.


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers, together with an addendum circulated prior to the meeting, in relation to a planning application from Northumbria Homes Ltd for demolition of an existing dwelling house and construction of 7no. new dwellings.


A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s Speaking Rights Scheme the local ward councillor, Councillor Olly Scargill, had been granted permission to speak to the Committee. Councillor Scargill spoke on behalf of residents of Murton and New York villages in relation to the landmark site which had fallen into a sad state. He suggested that the application ought to be amended to secure the demolition of the existing derelict building which had attracted vandalism and anti-social behaviour. There was no support for the proposed development as this application, together with a separate application for 3000 homes in the surrounding area, would change the unique character of Murton village, it would be visually intrusive, access to the site during the construction phase would have a detrimental impact, the road to the site was not considered fit for the volume of traffic and it was stated that a single dwellinghouse could not be replaced by seven.


Tom Gibbons of IDPartnership addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant to respond to the speakers’ comments. Mr Gibbons stated that the applicant had worked with officers to bring forward an application for the provision of high quality family homes. He understood the concerns of local residents regarding the vandalism and anti-social behaviour associated with the site but this application, if approved, would resolve these concerns with the demolition of the existing building and delivery of needed housing. The application process had demonstrated that the statutory consultees were satisfied with the proposal in terms of its impact on the highway network, car parking and access, residential amenity, landscaping and biodiversity. As these technical matters had been resolved in accordance with the relevant planning policies he urged the Committee to accept the officers recommendation and approve the application.


Members of the Committee asked questions of Councillor Scargill, Mr Gibbons and officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)        the factors taken into account by the applicant and the Authority in determining the number of units which could be satisfactorily accommodated onto a site;

b)        the details and effect of the proposed condition requiring the applicant to submit to the Authority for approval a revised Japanese Knotweed Management Plan;

c)        the rewording of Condition 37 to allow the applicant to complete pre-commencement conditions prior to the commencement of the three months period allowed for the demolition of the existing dwelling;

d)        the status of the site as set out in the Local Plan and the Murton Gap Masterplan;

e)        the effect of Policy DM5.3 (Green Space Provision and Standards) of the Local Plan in relation to the application; and

f)          the likely impact of the development on the volume of traffic using Murton Lane.


The Chair proposed acceptance of the planning officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the vote, 7 members of the Committee voted for the recommendation and 1 member voted against the recommendation.


Resolved that (1) the Committee is minded to grant the application; and

(2) the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development be authorised to issue a notice of grant of planning permission subject to:

i) the conditions set out in the planning officers report and addendum;

ii) the addition, omission or amendment of any other conditions considered necessary by the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development; and

iii) the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure to secure affordable housing provision and a Coastal Mitigation Contribution to mitigate for the impacts on the Northumbria Coast Special Protection Area.


(Reasons for decision: The Committee concluded that, having regard to the relevant policies contained in the Council’s Local Plan 2017 and National Planning Policy Framework, the proposed development was acceptable in terms of the principle of development and its impact on the character and appearance of the area, residential amenity, highway safety and biodiversity.)

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