To seek approval for the revised Transport and Highways Supplementary Planning Document, which sets out updated guidance on the Authority’s planning policies relating to transport and highways considerations.
Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to the revised Transport and Highways Supplementary Planning Document (SDP), which sets out the updated guidance on the Authority’s planning policies relating to transport and highways considerations.
Supplementary Planning Documents build upon and provided more detailed advice and guidance on the policies contained in the Local Plan. The purpose of the Supplementary Planning Document on Transport and Highways was to provide direction and guidance for prospective developers so as to ensure that the transport implications of new developments were rigorously, and consistently, assessed and appropriate mitigation measures secured.
The current SPD, previously also referred to as Local Development Document LDD12, was last revised in 2017. Since then, the national, regional and local policy context had substantially developed, with greater emphasis, for example, on provision for electric vehicles (EVs) and on carbon net zero objectives.
A report to Cabinet of 28 March 2022 set out how an updated draft SPD had been prepared to reflect this changing context: for example, details of car parking and cycle parking standards had been reviewed and realigned to the Use Classes Order which was updated at national level in 2020. Focus was given to sustainable transport requirements and additional detail was provided on the provision of infrastructure for EVs. The updates to the document sought to ensure that the draft SPD supported development that was sustainable, made efficient use of land and resources and demonstrated good design, in accordance with relevant policy at national, regional and local level.
Cabinet in March agreed that a process of stakeholder engagement should take place on the draft SPD. It was noted in the report that, owing to the technical nature of the document, the engagement process would particularly seek to involve relevant stakeholders such as developers, local and national voluntary and public sector organisations, as well as neighbouring local authorities. The engagement process was carried out over a six-week period between 31 May and 15 July 2022. Nine responses were submitted by or on behalf of relevant external stakeholders. These included Historic England, Natural England and National Highways, which are statutory consultees for planning applications. Responses were also received from further public and voluntary sector stakeholders such as the Energy Saving Trust, Nexus and Northumberland County Council, and from private sector stakeholders including the consortium of developers for the Killingworth strategic site identified in the Local Plan.
Revisions had been made to specific aspects of the draft SPD where appropriate to reflect feedback received as part of the stakeholder engagement process. These had included clarifying the links to specific policies in the North Tyneside Local Plan; referring to recent updates to the Building Regulations regarding charging provision for electric vehicles; and making the wording less prescriptive on specific measures expected as part of a developer’s Travel Plan, while continuing to emphasise the importance of supporting the use of more sustainable modes of transport. A summary of the responses received, and revisions to the document proposed as a consequence, was attached as Appendix 2 to the report.
The revised draft SPD first covered sustainable transport, setting out specific requirements in relation to walking, wheeling, cycling, Public Rights of Way and public transport provision.It then sets out the Authority’s requirements for the assessment of transport provision for new developments. This included details of a Travel Plan, which developers may be required to prepare to support accessibility by more sustainable modes; Transport Assessments and Transport Statements, which served to demonstrate that the transport impacts of new developments had been appropriately assessed; and parking control measures as they related to new developments.
The document proceeded to set out the Authority’s specifications with regard to design quality, including links to its approach to tree planting and management, as well as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in new developments. This included requirements on developers to carry out a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA). Finally, the document then sets out requirements in relation to parking provision at both residential and non-residential developments. This included enhanced detail of required arrangements regarding the provision of EV charging equipment and/or cable routes which facilitated the future installation of such equipment.
It was intended that the revised SPD, once finalised, would continue to offer effective direction and guidance to prospective developers and applicants in the borough, in accordance with the North Tyneside Local Plan 2017 and the North Tyneside Transport Strategy, and would make a valuable contribution to meeting the Authority’s aim of taking steps and seeking investment to be carbon net zero by 2030.
Cabinet considered the following decision options: to either approve the recommendations as set out in section 1.2 of the report, or alternatively, to not approve the recommendations.
Resolved that (1) the revised Supplementary Planning Document on Transport and Highways attached as Appendix 1 to this report, be approved; and
(2) the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor and the Cabinet Member for Environment, be authorised to make amendments to the Supplementary Planning Document on Transport and Highways from time to time to reflect national and local circumstances.
(Reason for decision: Approving the revised Transport and Highways SPD will reflect how the national, regional, and local policy context has developed since the SPD was last revised in 2017 and will enable the Authority’s direction and guidance for prospective developers to ensure that the transport implications of new developments are rigorously, and consistently, assessed and appropriate mitigation measures secured.)
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