Agenda item

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy - Implementation Plan

To receive an update on the formulation of an implementation plan for delivery of the Board’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy, Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021 – 2025.


The Board received an update on the progress made in formulating an implementation plan to deliver the vision and ambitions contained in the Board’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy, Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside (2021-2025).


The overall vision for the Strategy was to reduce inequalities in North Tyneside by breaking the link between people’s circumstances and their opportunities for a healthy, thriving and fulfilled life. A draft implementation plan had been compiled setting out proposed actions, responsibilities, desired short and long term outcomes, key performance indicators and lead officers in relation to each of the strategic priorities as outlined below:

1.         Give every child the best start in life

2.         Enable all children, young people, and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

3.         Create fair employment and good work for all

4.         Ensure a healthy standard of living for all

5.         The places and communities we live in and with

6.         Our lifestyles and health behaviours

7.         An integrated health and care system


The draft implementation plan was presented to Board members at the meeting and the Board was asked:

a) whether it was clear that action was required across the population but with more targeted action where gaps are widest (proportionate universalism)?

b) were the actions tangible and deliverable for the next year and was anything missing?

c) were the key performance indicators the right ones to enable the Board to monitor progress?


Members of the Board were invited to consider the implementation plan and the questions posed and submit their responses by the end of April 2022.


The implementation plan would be informed and shaped by engagement at a community level so that proposed solutions and interventions were co-produced and fully informed by the lived experience of North Tyneside residents. Healthwatch North Tyneside had been commissioned to co-ordinate this engagement through locally based voluntary and community organisations.  The outcomes of this engagement would be fed into the final version of the implementation plan which would be presented to the Board for approval at its next meeting in June 2022 together with the CCG and Council’s commissioning intentions for 2022/23.


The Board welcomed the approach taken in formulating the implementation plan and its draft contents. Board members commented on the need to utilise existing community engagement mechanisms such as active social media networks as part of the proposed engagement on the plan. It was acknowledged that the plan was not a stand alone document or process but delivery of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy would also be dependent on a wide range of complementary plans, strategies and partnerships such as the Community Safety Partnership. In this respect it was suggested that the section in relation to maximising the capabilities of children and young people ought to make more significant reference to the impact of housing.


The Board also noted the degree to which the implementation plan would be flexible as actions would initially be agreed for only the first of the strategy’s four year lifespan and these actions would then be subject to an annual review before determining the actions for the following year taking into account any contextual changes.


Resolved that (1) the draft implementation plan outlining the actions for each of the agreed priorities be agreed;

(2) the approach to community engagement on the draft implementation plan be noted;

(3) lead officers present the final implementation plan to the Board at its next meeting in June 2022 for approval following community engagement; and

(4) Board members and colleagues be invited to submit any additional comments, feedback or suggested amendments on the draft implementation plan by the end of April 2022.

Supporting documents: