Agenda item

21/01891/FUL, Land at former Coleman N E Ltd Site, Walker Place, North Shields

To determine a full planning application from P North Developments Limited for the variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning approval 17/00835/FUL relating to revised elevation details to house types, revised ridge heights, addition of basements to plots 12 and 13 and a retaining wall.


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers in relation to a full planning application from P North Developments Limited for the variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning approval 17/00835/FUL, revised elevation details to house types, revised ridge heights, addition of basements to plots 12 and 13 and a retaining wall.


A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s Speaking Rights Scheme Samantha Curtis of Curtis Planning and Development Surveyors, had been granted permission to speak to the Committee on behalf of residents living in Renaissance Point, North Shields. She stated that whilst the residents had no objections to the principle of the development they believed that the proposed alterations to the design of plot 3 would have a detrimental impact on privacy, amenity and on the conservation area because of:

a) the larger windows to be installed on the southern and western elevations overlooking neighbouring properties in Renaissance Point and the Irvin Building;

b)  the increase in height of the development; and

c) the increased area of black cladding which would be overbearing and inappropriate in the conservation area.

She stated that the proposals did not accord with Policy S1.4 of the Council’s Local Plan and she asked that the Committee either to refuse the application or defer consideration to enable the applicant to submit a revised plan.


Stephanie Linnel of George F White LLP addressed the Committee to respond to the speakers’ comments on behalf of the applicants. She described the history of the site and the challenges faced by the applicant in progressing the development. She explained that the proposed materials were in keeping with the area, the changes in the height of the development would allow for the homes to be accessible for those with disabilities, the windows on the western elevation overlooking Renaissance Point would not be habitable rooms and would be obscure glazed and the additional cladding would align with the remainder of the development. She stated that the proposed amendments would deliver a high quality development without any harm to the conservation area and there had been no objections from any statutory consultees. 


Members of the Committee asked questions of the speakers and officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)  the location and design of the proposed windows in the western and southern elevations of plot 3 and their relationship with neighbouring properties in Renaissance Point and the Irvin Building;

b)  details of recent planning enforcement complaints and investigations in relation to the site; and

c) the need to secure a Deed of Variation to ensure that the terms of the Section 106 Agreement previously secured in relation to the original planning application also applied to the grant of any variation.


Resolved that (1) the Committee is minded to grant the application subject to a variation to the existing legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country

Planning Act 1990 and the addition, omission or amendment of any other

conditions considered necessary; and

(2) the Director of Housing, Environment and Leisure be authorised to determine

the application following the completion of the Section 106 Legal


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