Agenda item

19/00257/FULES, Land Adjacent to Rake House Farm, Rake Lane, North Shields

To determine a full planning application from Northumberland Estates for development of 318 residential dwellings (including affordable housing) and associated infrastructure and engineering works, creation of new access from A191 Rake Lane, creation of SuDS and open space.


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers, together with two addendums, one circulated prior to the meeting and another circulated at the meeting, in relation to a full planning application from Northumberland Estates for development of 310 residential dwellings (including affordable housing and associated infrastructure and engineering works, creation of new access from A191 Rake Lane, creation of SuDS and open space.


A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs. In presenting the report the planning officer proposed the following amendments to the recommended conditions:

a) conditions 5 and 6 be removed as Phase 1 and Phase 2 site investigation reports formed part of the supporting documents accompanying the application;

b) condition 12 be amended so that a noise scheme takes account of an assessment of the noise from the supermarket adjacent to Rake Lane;

c) condition 51 be amended to read bats rather than birds; and

d) condition 58 be removed because it repeated condition 48.


In accordance with the Committee’s Speaking Rights Scheme Robin Smith of Grosvenor Drive, Whitley Bay, Samuel Fisher of Athol Gardens, West Monkseaton and Nathan Berry of Gerrard Close, Whitley Bay had been granted permission to speak to the Committee.


Robin Smith and Samuel Fisher had both indicated that they were unable to attend the meeting. In Samuel Fisher’s absence, the Committee considered a written statement prepared by him in which he set out his objection to the application in terms of its impact on biodiversity and the nearby Coastal Special Protection Area and Ramsar sites. Mr Fisher stated that the proposal would have a significant impact on these sites and that a contribution of £104,000 towards the coastal mitigation strategy would not be adequate to mitigate the negative impacts. Mr Fisher also challenged the conclusion that the impact of the development on farmland birds could be adequately mitigated through offsite compensation at Backworth and urged the Committee to disregard the biodiversity net gain report as there was no evidence demonstrating net gains in any previous UK development.


Nathan Berry was present at the meeting and addressed the Committee. Mr Berry expressed his concerns regarding the potential increase in traffic congestion on Foxhunters roundabout, Seatonville Road, Cauldwell Lane and Shields Road. He stated that following the recent climate summit, the Council should be seeking to protect green spaces which provided a home to wildlife and an outdoor sanctuary to many people. Many people moved to the area attracted by the lack of air pollution and tranquil spaces but the borough’s unique features were now threatened with destruction. Mr Berry was also concerned that no consideration had been given to the provision of additional schools or general practices to serve the development.


Councillor Sean Brockbank, ward councillor for the Monkseaton South Ward, had also been granted permission to address the Committee. Councillor Brockbank stated that he had consistently opposed this application and the broader development policies relating to the site set out in the Local Plan. He expressed his concerns that whilst there were agreements in principle for the provision of the infrastructure across the site there were no detailed timetables for delivery. He believed that all the infrastructure should be in place before any houses were built. Furthermore, there was no engagement with residents to address their concerns on issues such as the risk of flooding. Residents were not confident that the proposed drainage solution would be adequate and he would continue to raise their concerns.


Colin Barnes of Northumberland Estates addressed the Committee to respond to the speakers’ comments. Mr Barnes explained that the site had been identified for development in 2013, a masterplan had been prepared in 2015 and adopted as part of the Local Plan in 2017 following extensive consultation. This application had been submitted in 2019 and since then a massive amount of work had been undertaken to ensure that it conformed with the requirements of the masterplan and it did not prejudice subsequent planning applications.   The objections raised by Persimmon Homes and Bellway Homes had been resolved. Northumberland Estates had a long history of delivering infrastructure projects in North Tyneside and reference was made to details of the proposals to mitigate the impact of the development on biodiversity, the local highway network and the provision of school places.


Members of the Committee asked questions of the speakers and officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)         the extent to which Northumberland Estates had taken into account the Council’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment and the Murton Gap Masterplan in determining the type of housing to be included in its application;

b)         how this application complied with the phasing plan and the infrastructure delivery schedule set out in the Murton Gap Masterplan;

c)         the Council’s methodology for ensuring there would be sufficient school places for future residents;

d)         the Biodiversity Officer’s advice on the impact of the development in terms of delivering a biodiversity net gain;

e)         the connectivity of the footpaths and cycle paths to be constructed as part of the development with existing public rights of way;

f)          the location and nature of the proposed affordable housing;

g)         the detail of the highways improvement works to be undertaken at Foxhunters, Tynemouth Pool and Rake Lane, the timing of their delivery in relation to the construction of the 310 homes and the likely impact of the works on congestion on the local highway network;

h)         the impact of the proposed drainage scheme on reducing the risk of flooding in surrounding areas, including Marden Quarry; and

i)          the most up to date assessment of housing land supply which showed a shortfall against the Local Plan requirement.


Resolved that (1) the Committee is minded to grant the application subject to completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the addition, omission or amendment of any other conditions considered necessary;

(2) the Director of Housing, Environment and Leisure be granted delegated authority to determine the application following the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the following;

-25% on-site affordable housing provision 

-Primary education £690,000 

-Public transport £24,029

-Metro station £1,009,400

-Travel Plan Bond £100,000 

-Green infrastructure £453,406

-Allotments £39,920.32

-Sports pitch £205,110

-Built sports £259,400

-Employment and training £72,100

-Waste £51,036

-Local Wildlife Site £60,500

-Coastal Mitigation £104,740

-Off-site compensation land for ecology purposes

(3) the Director of Law and Governance and the Director of Environment, Housing and Leisure be authorised to undertake all necessary procedures under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 to secure the following highways improvements:

-Site access (A191 roundabout)

-Tynemouth Pool


-Rake Lane (A191)

-Preston Road North (A192)



Supporting documents: