Agenda item

Ambition for Education - Update

To consider a report outlining the key strategic challenges currently facing the education system in North Tyneside, the work already underway and the further work required to tackle these challenges in partnership with educational leaders.


A report was received which outlined the key strategic challenges currently facing the education system in North Tyneside, the significant work already underway and the further work required to tackle these challenges in partnership with educational leaders.


The Key Strategic Challenges were:


1.    Financial sustainability of schools in particular secondary schools

2.    Increasing demands in relation to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

3.    Post 16 provision across the borough

4.    Impact of Local Plan proposals on school places and review of catchment areas.


The challenges identified above, whist significant in their own right, were linked and any proposed changes in any one of the parts of the jigsaw could have a consequential impact on the other key areas. Therefore, in taking this work forward it was proposed to establish a core team of officers to progress this work and consider options for change and/or improvements. The work of this team would be overseen by the Education Review Steering Group, chaired by the Cabinet Member for Children Young People & Learning and include Directors and Senior Officers of the Authority as well as other key Stakeholders such as Headteachers and Trade Unions colleagues. Subject to agreement the proposal would be to establish the Team from 1 October 2021 and for the team to be in place for up to two years to support the work required and any proposals and decisions made. 


Full detailed analysis of Schools (DSG) finance was set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


Cabinet considered the following decision options: to accept the recommendations set out in paragraph 1.2 of the report; or alternatively, to not accept the recommendations.


Resolved that (1) the key strategic challenges facing the education system and the work done to date be noted;

(2) the following work be progressed in relation to each challenge:


(a)  Financial sustainability of schools in particular secondary provision

        In working with both Monkseaton High, Norham and other stakeholders:

·         carry out option appraisals to address the structural deficit issues,

·         enter pre-publication engagement and consultation, and

·         bring forward proposals to achieve educational and financial sustainability at both schools.


(b)  Increasing demand in relation to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and associated resource pressures:

·         progress the work within the eight action plan themes identified within the High Needs recovery plan


(c)  Post 16 provision across the borough:

·         establish a ‘post 16 charter and information hub for North Tyneside

·         secure appointment of a dedicated officer post to promote schools and business/industry partnership arrangements

·         strengthen the depth and consistency of careers education across all North Tyneside schools

·         strengthen SEND post 16 pathways across North Tyneside


(d)   Impact of Local Plan proposals on school places and the need to further review catchment areas:

·         refresh the Educational Impact Assessment as part of review of Local Plan

·         review assumption made in 2016 against actual pupil numbers as well as forecasting future demands

·         further review catchment area arrangements;


(3)  the establishment of a project team and steering group to support and progress the work required be agreed; and

(4)  further reports be received by Cabinet as required.


(Reason for decision: It reflects the priorities agreed by the Elected Mayor, Cabinet Member, Head Teachers and Chairs of Governing Bodies.)


Supporting documents: