Agenda item

Children and Young People's Plan 2021 - 2025

To seek approval to the initial proposals for the refresh and development of the Children and Young People’s Plan 2021-2025.



Cabinet received a report seeking approval to initial proposals for the development of a refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan for the Borough covering the period 2021-2025.

The Plan was being developed and was owned by the Children and Young People’s Partnership.  The partnership brought together public, voluntary and community sector organisations to improve the lives of the borough’s children and young people. 


The 2021-2025 Plan was the third Children and Young People’s Plan that the partnership had produced.  The previous Plan 2014-2018 had underpinned the delivery of key success and significant service developments and improvements, which included:


           Children’s services were judged Outstanding by Ofsted in March 2020, noting that “strategic partnerships were mature, well-developed and highly effective”.


           Continuing to successfully deliver the Troubled Families programme in North Tyneside, successfully ‘turning around’ 1,500 families, demonstrating improved outcomes across a range of indicators.


           Entering into a long-term, strategic partnership with Barnardos to develop new and innovative solutions supporting children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health.


           Establishment of schools-led, peer-to-peer, exclusion panels, as part of a borough-wide Keeping Children in School programme, which have contributed to improved exclusion and attendance rates.


           Multi-agency Keeping Families Connected service, funded by the Department for Education innovation funding, has effectively supported a reduction in entries to care, stabilisation of existing placements, and reunification where possible.


Despite the many significant achievements that the Authority had delivered in recent years, there remained many challenges that the Authority continued to be focused on.  Alongside the changing need and demand that the partnership expected as a result of the impact of Covid-19, the Authority’s understanding of its challenges and what was important to children and young people had informed the priorities and actions set out in the plan.


The priorities and deliverables set out in the draft plan were aligned to the strategic outcomes the Authority and partners wanted to see for children and young people, which were:


           Outcome 1: I am Safe; Priority 1.1: Ensure children and young people are living safely

           Outcome 2: I am Healthy; Priority 2.1: Supporting children to have a healthy early childhood

           Outcome 3: I have Opportunities; Priority 3.1: Narrow the gap in educational outcomes; Priority 3.2: Ensure the right support for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs

           Outcome 4: I have a Voice; Priority 4.1: Support children to be active citizens

           Outcome 5: I am Happy; Priority 5.1: Develop resilience, confidence and independence in children and young people


These priorities and actions had been developed through engagement with a range of stakeholders across the children and young people’s partnership, as well as drawing upon extensive engagement with children and young people which was a central component of the Authority’s approach.

The Young Mayor thanked the Authority for giving her and the young people of the borough the opportunity to help shape the children and young people’s plan, particularly in relation to the priorities on mental health.


The Elected Mayor and Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Learning welcomed the young people’s input and the opportunity this presented to strengthen their voice.


Cabinet considered the following decision options: to accept the recommendations as set out in paragraph 1.2 of the report, or alternatively, to not approve the recommendations.


Resolved that (1) the initial proposals for the Children and Young People’s Plan 2021 – 2025 in terms of the priorities and plan to engage with stakeholders be approved; and

(2) it be noted that the final Plan will be submitted to Full Council for approval in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules contained in the Authority’s Constitution.


(Reason for decision:  The Children and Young People’s Plan is a key plan to deliver the priorities linked to Our People, as set out within the Our North Tyneside Plan.)

Supporting documents: