Agenda item

18/01373/FUL, Holywell Engineering, Station Road, Backworth

To consider a full planning application from David Little Pension Trust Fund for the demolition of several existing buildings, conversion of existing Backworth Lodge, Diary Cottage and Ivy Cottage to form 4no flats and 2no. dwellings and the erection of a new apartment building (13no apartments) and 27no dwellings.


The Committee considered a report from the planning officers in relation to a full planning application from David Little Pension Trust Fund for the demolition of several existing buildings, conversion of existing Backworth Lodge, Diary Cottage and Ivy Cottage to form 4no flats and 2no. dwellings and the erection of a new apartment building (13no apartments) and 27no dwellings.


A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.


In accordance with the Committee’s Temporary Speaking Rights Scheme, R & K Wood Planning, on behalf of Keenan’s Food Processing, had been granted permission to submit a written statement to the Committee. The statement was read out to the Committee. R & K Wood stated that the proposed 43 dwellings on the site did not comply with Local Plan Policy S4.3 because it did not include any employment development and, when combined with the Backworth Business Park proposal, it would deliver 111 dwellings, many more than the 65 dwelling allocation. Reference was made to the Planning Inspectors conclusions arising from an earlier appeal and it was stated that complaints from the occupiers of the proposed dwellings were inevitable.


ID Partnership, on behalf of the applicants, had submitted a written statement to respond to R & K Wood’s comments. The statement was read to the Committee. It highlighted how the design had been refined to ensure that it delivered a high quality sensitive development and that it was compliant with the site allocation policy contained within the Local Plan. The impact of noise from nearby businesses had been considered and appropriate mitigation measures offered to the satisfaction of the Council’s Environmental Health Officer. Reference was made to the plans to retain as many trees as possible on site and to protect the Local Wildlife Site.


Members of the Committee asked questions of officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to:

a)      the impact of the development on the local highway network, particularly Station Road, Backworth, and the proposed highways improvements to be secured by way of a Section 278 agreement;

b)      the effect of Policy S4.3 of the Local Plan which had allocated the site for a mix of uses and the potential for 65 housing units;

c)       the impact of the development on trees and biodiversity on the site; and

d)      the proximity of the proposed development to existing adjacent business operations and the proposed noise mitigation measures.


Resolved that planning permission be refused on the following grounds:

1.    The proposal would have an adverse impact on a Local Wildlife Site contrary to the advice in National Planning Policy Framework and contrary to policies S5.4 and DM5.5  of the North Tyneside Local Plan (2017).

2.    The proposal would adversely impact upon an existing business’ ability to operate contrary to the advice in National Planning Policy Framework and policies S1.4 and DM5.19 of the North Tyneside Local Plan (2017).

3.    The proposal would result in the loss of trees, which would adversely affect the character and appearance of the site and the surrounding Backworth Conservation Area contrary to the advice in National Planning Policy Framework (2019), policies DM5.9 , S6.5 and DM6.6 of the North Tyneside Local Plan 2017.

4.    The proposal would result in the over-development of the site which would be out if keeping with its surroundings and have an adverse impact upon the Backworth Conservation Area contrary to the advice in National Planning Policy Framework (2019), policies DM6.1, S6.5 and DM6.6 of the North Tyneside Local Plan.

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