Venue: 0.01 Chamber - Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY. View directions
Contact: Email:, 0191 6463 3622 0191 6433622
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence from the meeting. |
Appointment of Substitute Members To receive notification of the appointment of any Substitute Members at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests and Dispensations You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensations that have been granted to you in relation to any matters appearing on the agenda. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2024. |
Tree Management Policy / Tree Planting Strategy PDF 31 KB To provide members of the Green Sub Committee with draft versions of the revised Tree Management Policy and Tree Planting Strategy. Additional documents: |
Carbon Net Zero 2030 PDF 37 KB This report provides a brief introduction to the actions the Authority is taking to support improvements in home energy efficiency and how this links with the broader programme of how the Authority communicates with residents.
Work Programme 2024-25 PDF 45 KB To consider the priorities for inclusion in the Sub-committee’s work programme. Additional documents: |
Date and Time of next meeting 25 March 2025 @18:00 |