Agenda and minutes

Green Sub Committee - Tuesday, 5th November, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: 0.01 Chamber - Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY. View directions

Contact: Email:, 0191 6463 3622  0191 6433622

No. Item


Appointment of Substitute Members

To receive notification of the appointment of any Substitute Members at the meeting.


Pursuant to the Council’s Constitution the following substitution was reported:


Councillor Liam Bones for Councillor John Johnsson.


Declarations of Interests and Dispensations

You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.


You are also invited to disclose any dispensations that have been granted to you in relation to any matters appearing on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on


RESOLVED    -       that the minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Vision Zero & Community Speed Watch Update pdf icon PDF 34 KB

The report attached will provide an overview of Vision Zero and an Community Speed Watch Update.

Additional documents:


 The Committee received a report and presentation on Vision Zero and Community Speed Watch.


The Committee were advised that currently in terms of the delivery of Road Safety there are 3 distinct parts:


·       Education and Training

o   Schools Go Smarter Programme

o   Bikeability

o   Pedestrian Training

o   Support of Regional Campaigns

o   Walk once a Week

o   Summer of Cycling

·       Engineering

o   Local safety schemes

o   Speed reductions

o   Signing and Lining

o   School Streets

·       Enforcement

o   Police led enforcement including seatbelts, speeding, drink and drug driving, distractions, illegal and inconsiderate driving/riding

o   Bus lane enforcement

o   School Keep Clear Enforcement


The Council receives casualty information from Northumbria Police where all reported injury collisions are recorded.  Injuries are broken down by fatal, serios and slight.  Details were provided of the casualties and collisions recorded since 2022, also included was a breakdown of key user groups and child casualties.


It was noted that the numbers in North Tyneside are consistent with neighbouring forces in terms of data collection and how the information is recorded.


It was noted that road collision causation factors can be categorised into three main categories:


·       The person

·       The vehicle

·       The environment


In the vast majority of collisions human error is a significant factor.


North Tyneside Council is currently updating its Travel Safety Strategy which will be subject to consultation with reference to include a ‘Speed Prevention Plan’.  It is expected that this strategy will be presented at Cabinet in March 2025 seeking permission to engage with all stakeholders.  The strategy has been updated to further strengthen all partnership working with the police.


The Northumbria Road Safety Partnership recently been reformed as a strategic and operational partnership to address casualty reduction at local and regional level.


An officer working group, attended by Authority staff will feed into a steering group where, through greater co-ordination of resources, road safety will be managed across the Northumbria Police Force area involving all strategic partners.


The sub-committee were also provided with some information on Vision Zero.  Vision Zero states that any fatal or serious injuries that occur within the road system are unacceptable.  This is considered best practice in road safety according to the Work Health Organisation and the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).


A Vision Zero approach to road safety management is based on the belief that no death or serious injury is acceptable on roads and follows the principles of the Safe System, where the five pillars of the road environment work together to minimise risk:


·       Safe speed

·       Safe road users and behaviour

·       Safe roads

·       Safe vehicles

·       Post collision response


The Safe System approach to achieve Vision Zero is built of key principles:


·       People make mistakes that lead to road collisions

·       The human body has a limited physical ability to tolerate crash forces before harm occurs

·       Road safety and crash reduction resulting in death or serious injury is a shared responsibility for those who design, build, manage and use roads and those providing post-crash care

·       All parts of  ...  view the full minutes text for item G4424


Work Programme 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To consider the priorities for inclusion in the Sub-committee’s work programme.


The following items were suggested for future meetings:


·       Insulation for Less Well Off Residents

·       Cullercoats Bay and Blue Flag Status

·       Fly Tipping Policy


RESOLVED -          that the information be added to the work programme for discussion at a future meeting.


Date and Time of next meeting

7 Jan 2025 6.00 pm


The next meeting will take place on 7 January 2025 at 6.00pm.