Venue: 0.01 Chamber - Quadrant Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. |
Appointment of Substitute Members To be notified of the appointment of any Substitute Members. |
Declarations of Interest You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in the matter appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024 |
Family Friendly Task and Finish Group PDF 26 KB The Family Friendly Sub-Committee is provided with a draft report of the Task and Finish Group established to look at North Tyneside Council’s attendance policy. Additional documents: |
Refresh of Ambition for Education and Support to Schools The Sub-Committee will be provided with a presentation that will outline the Refresh of Ambition for Education and Support to Schools. |
Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy PDF 34 KB The report attached will provide an overview of the Children in our Care and Care Leavers Strategy 2024-2026. The Sub-Committee is asked to comment on the strategy, action plan and proposed method of delivery. Additional documents: |
The outline Work Programme 2024 -2025 is attached for review. Additional documents: |