Agenda and draft minutes

Thriving Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 15th October, 2024 6.00 pm

Contact: Email:  0191 6433622

No. Item


Appointment of Substitute Members

To be notified of the appointment of any substitute members.


Councillor A Spowart was in attendance as a substitute for Councillor Linda Bell.


Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.


You are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.


You are also requested to complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.



There were no declarations of interest recorded.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2024.


The Chair asked that clarification be made on item TS35/24 from the minutes of 23 July 2024 regarding the North Shields 800, in that it should be stated that the existing committee would not make decisions on grants.  A procedure would be implemented that would involve local Ward Councillors.


Regarding the Work Programme, it should have been noted that the October session will be covering updates on the wider regeneration schemes for the rest of the borough.


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2024 were therefore agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Derelict properties - Sub-Group ToR Proposal pdf icon PDF 37 KB

The purpose of the proposed Sub-Group will be to review the issues associated with derelict properties and to make recommendations on how services could be delivered more effectively to address this issue.


The Director of Regeneration and Economic Development presented to members the Terms of Reference for the proposed Derelict Properties Task & Finish group that had been distributed to members. 


The Director confirmed that whilst there were not a huge number of derelict properties, there was a huge impact on residents.  The current approach to the issue was a multi-agency approach (Planning / ASB / Housing), and the Task & Finish group would look into what the challenges are, what is currently being done and what could / can be done in the future.


Members suggested looking into ‘buy to improve’, compulsory purchases and owner rights as areas of interest.  It was mentioned that this group’s work would be timely as there was an upcoming governmental review.


An email would be sent to members asking for expressions of interest in joining the group.


Regeneration Plans pdf icon PDF 87 KB

This report provides the Sub-Committee with an update on progress made so far on, and future plans to develop and implement, projects as part of Our Ambition for North Tyneside.


A presentation was given by Head of Regeneration & Cultureon the progress made and future plans to develop and implement the Ambition for Wallsend Masterplan (including Segedunum), the Ambition for North Shields Masterplan and the Village Plans for the North West.


Members were given updates on how the Masterplan’s objectives were progressing including policy objectives, actions taken since June 2023 Cabinet and engagement processes including feedback received.




A question was asked regarding the current status of the Buddle and Wallsend Hall, and it was confirmed that they were in private ownership, but the Authority was in conversation with the owners and assisting and advising them about the challenges and use of conservation assets.


A discussion took place about Segedunum and how it could be seen as a missed opportunity for the borough as its only World Heritage Site.  Members would like to see a vision for what the region wants from the site, rather than just improvements and to link with wider stakeholders, schools and other national sites.


It was suggested that establishing an articulated Vision for Segedunum could be added as an item for the Work Programme.


North Shields


Members were updated about how the Authority was in early supporting discussions with the owners of the Beacon Centre, and were placed to advise them on funding opportunities.


A question was asked about whether it could be considered an option for North Shields to be appointed a specific Business Advisor.  Officers would look into this recommendation.


A discussion took place around where improvements were at with Howard Street and its current under usage.  Officers said the long term ambition was to create further opportunities for private business owners to create a more vibrant area with possible food and beverage outlets for example.  Officers believe that once the Embankment work was complete, then this would help to join up North Shields.


A point was made about the expansion of the Cultural Quarter, and how to make this more inclusive.  Whilst the meeting accepted that the Authority could not dictate to businesses, it was hoped that getting further business into the area would increase competition and diversity.


Members stated that further affordable housing would be of great benefit to the North Shields economy.


North West


Plans for the North West’s regeneration were currently in draft and would be shared with Ward Councillors first, and would come to the Thriving Sub-Committee in January.


A suggestion was made that officers could investigate ‘Villages Funding’ for the North West, and the Director assured members that his team were always keeping abreast of funding opportunities.  It was also mentioned that the Authority was well though of in terms of funding as it was well versed in applying for and spending funding in the designated areas.  The Chair stated that communicating that we are facilitating funding spends in the Borough could be better communicated with the public.


Whitley Bay


Members suggested that connectivity between the High Street and the Coast, as well as Monkseaton and  ...  view the full minutes text for item TS43/24


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider priorities for inclusion in the work programme for 2023-24.


The Director confirmed that Adult Education / Business opportunities items were on the agenda for the next meeting on 12 November 2024 and the November Cabinet decision on the North West Plan would be scrutinised at 28 January 2025 meeting.


Date and Time of next meeting

12 Nov 2024 6.00 pm



12 November 2024