Contact: Email:, 0191 6463 3622 0191 6433622
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitute Members To be notified of the appointment of any substitute members. Minutes: Councillor L Bones was in attendance as a substitute for Councillor D Lilly. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
You are also requested to complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2024. Minutes: It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
North West Village and Transport Plans The purpose of this item is to scrutinise the Cabinet’s decision on their November policy priorities report which covered information on the Village, Inner Area and Transport Plans for the North West to enable progress to be made on the individual projects in those areas.
Minutes: A report was received and a presentation given to members with information the Cabinet’s decision on their November policy priorities report which covered information on the Village, Inner Area and Transport Plans for the North West.
The presentation highlighted Village Identity, consultation feedback, connectivity issues, project updates, transport and discussed possible next steps.
A question was asked about Great Lime Road and if there were plans in place for a cycle path. Officers responded that this would be best answered by officers from Highways and would make sure the info was fed back to members.
In response to a query about proposals for a railway station in the North West and how this matched Rail operators scaling back plans. Officers responded that while these plans were part of the Council’s ambition for the North West, that no money had been committed yet.
A question was asked about if the new Housing developments had been assessed for connectivity issues, as the villages had been. Officers confirmed that the Authority would be engaging with NECA regarding bus provision.
A member asked if North Tyneside was having discussions with Northumberland County Council about the Seaton Burn / Moor Farm roundabout and the reports that it is not functioning as well as it could. Officers responded that this would also be best answered by officers from Highways and would make sure the info was fed back to members.
A member asked about what plans were in place to address any potential fall in Shared Prosperity funding that would come via NECA, and officers confirmed that they would be evaluating how best to use the remaining funding once confirmed.
The Chair asked officers if there were any plans to roll out the North West plan in a physical booklet for those interested, and officers responded that this had been done mostly online but would take the suggestion back to see what could be done to address this.
The Chair thanked the officer for the presentation, and on behalf of the Committee congratulated the Officers and Cabinet on the work done so far. |
Leisure / Visitor Destination Opportunities This report provides the Sub-Committee with an update on Leisure / Visitor Destination Opportunities for the borough. Minutes: The Senior Manager of Tourism and Events gave a presentation updating the members on Leisure / Visitor Destination Opportunities for the borough. The presentation and video highlighted the visitor economy, local attractions, events, accommodation and marketing for North Tyneside. In response to a query about Segedunum and the Authority’s ambition, officers told the committee that work was being done on a Lottery money bid, due to be completed in May. Officers said they were currently working on budget figures, potential works, a programme of events and activity plan as well as working with a design team to make sure the bid takes advantage of available new technologies and seeing how the site would connect to other heritage sites. A question was asked about if the Authority could better use the Segedunum site during Fireworks night, providing access to the Observation tower. Officers stated that they would enquire as to whether this was a possible option going forward with North East Museums. A member congratulated the officers on the work done with influencers and utilising their reach but enquired if more could be done by the Authority to support small and emerging independent businesses. Officers confirmed that they do link with other directorates to signpost businesses and offer advice in negotiating areas like planning or licensing. The Chair enquired if there was a likelihood to offer small business grants to small independent businesses to help establish themselves within North Tyneside and deal with any potential issues and enhance the area’s appeal to that part of the market. Officers stated that they would look into this possibility. Officers confirmed that work was always ongoing with businesses regarding accessibility to ensure all residents felt part of the local offer. It was mentioned that advance visits to events like Mouth of the Tyne can be arranged to help prepare those who may need further assistance. Attention was drawn to a recent Wheelchair perspective video going from Whitley Bay Metro Station to the beach. Members agreed that interactivity and immersivity were areas they would like to see attractions in North Tyneside get involved with, highlighting sites like Jorvik and the Leprechaun museum in Dublin. Officers highlighted to members to expansion of the online booking of new local experiences and while this currently concentrated on coastal activities, they hoped this would soon expand into other areas. The Chair asked if that a further report be brought back to Committee on Segedunum about the bid and that he would communicate with officers to confirm the best time for this. |
To consider priorities for inclusion in the work programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair confirmed that as ever the Committee was open to suggestions from members, and they should contact him to discuss.
The next, and final, meeting of the municipal year on 18 Match 2025 has the following item on the Work programme.
· Derelict properties (Joanne Lee / Jackie Palmer) · Annual Scrutiny Report (Allison Mitchell) · 2025/26 Work Programme Topics – suggestions from outgoing committee (Allison Mitchell) |
Date and Time of next meeting 18 March 2025 6.00 pm |