Venue: 0.01 Chamber - Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY. View directions
Contact: Email: 0191 6433622
No. | Item | ||||||||
Appointment of Substitute Members To be notified of the appointment of any substitute members. Minutes: There were no substitute members reported. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
You are also requested to complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest recorded. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
A report to provide the Sub Committee with an update on the planning for NS800. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Regeneration and Culture presented a report updating the Committee on the planning for NS800.
NS800 is still within its planning stages, with the Council having contributed £80k in funding and anticipated to seek other funding from other bodies. At this early stage, officers were only able to present estimated budgetary costs, the only designated finance so far was for the Creative Director role.
The North Shields 800 Anniversary Committee was established in October 2023 with Sir Alan Campbell MP as Chair. Representation on that committee was currently from local groups, organisations and businesses, and was primarily being used to generate ideas and going forward a committee with stronger governance and Councillor membership would be set up. Officers stated that this A copy of the strategic objectives to frame the North Shields 800 programme developed and agreed to by the NS800 Committee was circulated to members.
As the programme firms up, officers confirmed engagement would become more widespread and school engagement had been identified as a priority to ensure their participation.
Officers confirmed to several questions that NS800 was seeking to involve the whole of North Shields and not just the town centre, and to engage all businesses with the NE29 postcode.
A suggestion was made about a transport pass enabling NS800 attendees to travel more cheaply between events in the programme.
A member queried the estimated cost for the Parade of Sail and Blessing of the Fleet, and officers responded that most of the costs would likely be security and logistics related.
A question was asked about the timeframe for grant applications, and officers responded that info on these would be distributed early in the new year.
The Sub-Committee noted the information contained within this Briefing Note. |
Summer Break Programme Officers will present to the Sub-Committee on Summer Events in North Tyneside. Minutes: The Senior Manager of Tourism and Events gave a presentation drawing together currently programmed for this summer delivered by Council teams, and asking the Committee if they have any recommendations to inform future summer programmes.
Members asked about the geographical spread of the visitor economy, and if officers could do further work to utilise areas beyond the coast.
Officer stated that it may be possible to work more closely with NECA in order to broaden the scope of leisure and business opportunities.
The Sub-Committee noted the information in the presentation
Introduction to Scrutiny and Work Programme Report PDF 32 KB To determine an outline work programme for the year ahead, and in relation to the suggested work plan topics included in the menu of topics in the work programme report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager set out the proposed approach to work planning for the Overview & Scrutiny Co-ordination & Finance Committee for 2024/25. The Committee were reminded of the North Tyneside Plan’s key themes, the Committee’s revised remit and the current work programme timetable for the Committee.
The Chair and members agreed to amend the Work Programme as below.
The option of setting up a Task & Finish group was discussed to look into the Council’s policies on Derelict Properties (with input from Peter Mennell) and its planning / enforcement powers. Officers identified that there was some related legislation possible incoming, and it may be prudent to wait for further information before beginning this task.
Date and Time of next meeting The next meeting will be held on October 15 2024 at 18:00. Minutes: The next meeting will be on 15 October 2024 in Room 0.01. |