Agenda and draft minutes

Standards Sub-committee - Monday, 9th December, 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY

Contact: Yvonne Harrison, Democratic Services Officer, Email: - Tel: 0191 643 5320 

No. Item


Appointment of Substitute Members

To be notified of the appointment of any Substitute Members.


There were no substitutes members reported.



Declarations of Interest

You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.


Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.


You are also invited to disclose any dispensation from the requirement to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.



Dispensations - Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To determine requests for dispensations received from Members in relation to their appointment by the Authority to Outside Bodies.

Additional documents:


The Standards Sub-Committee received a report which set out applications received from Members of the Council seeking dispensation in accordance with Section 33(2)(e) of the Localism Act 2011.


The dispensations sought would enable the Members to speak and vote on any item of business at any Authority meeting (including specifically the Authority’s budget setting meetings) in which they had a registerable interest by virtue of their appointment by the Authority to an outside body for the 2024-25 municipal year.


Copies of the application letters from Members seeking dispensation for the 2024-25 municipal year were submitted with the report.


The applications were considered by the Sub-Committee.


Resolved that (1) dispensations requested by Members, as set out in the table below be granted for a period of 1 year, or the date when the Member ceases to be the Authority’s representative on the outside body, whichever is earlier; and

(2) the Monitoring Officer be authorised to agree any further written requests from Members for a dispensation that relates to a registerable interest by virtue of their appointment by the Authority to an outside body during the 2024-25 municipal year.


Copies of the application letters from Members seeking dispensation for the 2024-25 municipal year were submitted with the report.


The applications were considered by the Sub-committee.


Resolved that (1) dispensations requested by Members, as set out in the table below be granted for a period of 1 year, or the date when the Member ceases to be the Authority’s representative on the outside body, whichever is earlier; and

(2) the Monitoring Officer be authorised to agree any further written requests from Members for a dispensation that relates to a registerable interest by virtue of their appointment by the Authority to an outside body during the 2024-25 municipal year.


Outside Body Dispensations:


(Note: Councillor F Lott left the room during consideration of Items 17 and 18 below).


The following dispensations were agreed by the Standards Sub-committee in relation to outside body appointments:





OUTSIDE BODY (2024-25)



Dame Norma Redfearn DBE, Elected Mayor

 Association of North East Councils Leaders 

 and Elected Mayors Group




Association of North East Councils Limited




Newcastle Airport Local Authority Holding Company




North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NECA)




Local Government Association Assembly



Councillor Tom Bailey

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System and North and Central Integrated Care Partnerships (substitute)



Councillor Paul Bunyan

North Tyneside Fostering Panel





Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System and North and Central Integrated Care Partnerships




North East Regional Employers Organisation




Councillor Sarah Burtenshaw

Newcastle Airport Consultative Committee



Councillor Bryan Clark

Tyne & Wear Trading Standards Joint Committee



Councillor Karen Clark

North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors




North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NECA) (deputy)




Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Co-opted Governors




Northumbria LRF Resilience  ...  view the full minutes text for item SS3/24