Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 9th March, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Room 0.02, Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY

Contact: Michael Robson  Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Substitute Members

To receive a report on the appointment of Substitute Members.


Any Member of the Board who is unable to attend the meeting may appoint a substitute member. The Contact Officer must be notified prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Pursuant to the Council’s constitution the appointment of the following substitute members was reported:-


Julie Dodds for John Sparkes (North Tyneside Council)

Mark Barrett for Lisa Cook (North Tyneside Council)

Charis Pollard for Partick Garner (Newcastle Hospitals)

Kathryn Elliot for Chloe Mann (Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust)


Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Voting Members of the Board are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest. They are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.


Non voting members are invited to declare any conflicts of interest in matters appearing on the agenda and the nature of that interest.


Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.


Councillor Peter Earley declared a registerable personal interest in relation to the report from Healthwatch North Tyneside because he was a Trustee of the North Tyneside Carers Centre.


Councillor Karen Clark declared a registerable personal interest in relation to delivery of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy because she was a Director and Employee at Justice Prince CIC which had contracts with North Tyneside Council for the Working Roots project.


Councillor Karen Clark also reported that that she had a dispensation in relation to her registerable personal interests as a Co-opted Governor of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and a member of the Family Gateway Trust.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 November 2022.


Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 November 2022 be confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - The Places and Communities We Live In and With pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the Places and Communities We Live In and With theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan.

Additional documents:


In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.


In accordance with this process the Council’s Director of Environment presented a report on behalf of various partnerships setting out the progress they had made in relation to the Places and Communities We Live In and With theme. Evidence showed that those living in the more socio-economically deprived areas were likely to have a lack of green space, poor air quality and poorer housing compared to the least socio-economically deprived areas. Therefore, to reduce health inequalities, there was a need to create environments in which all communities could flourish by improving infrastructure, services, connectivity and sustainability.


The report gave details of a wide range of activities being undertaken by organisations and partnerships, working with local communities, to create the conditions for a healthy, safer and more sustainable North Tyneside and to deliver an inclusive economy. The presentation of the report was supplemented by three short presentations which gave more detail about specific multi-agency work in relation to:

   creating safer environments and the joint approach to understanding and addressing anti-social behaviour across local communities;

   enjoying healthy and safer homes and in particular tackling damp and mould; and

   healthy planning and regeneration and delivery of the Wallsend Masterplan.


In considering the progress made the Board:

a)      acknowledged the disabling impact of a fear of crime within communities and how perceptions were sometimes at odds with reality.

b)      thanked the officers involved in the muti-agency approach to community safety for their enthusiasm and tenacity.

c)       considered how the Council and other agencies could engage with private landlords to improve the condition of private rented homes and to minimise the risks of damp and mould; and

d)      acknowledged the importance of the condition of the environment on the quality of life for people living that area.


Theme leads had agreed that measuring performance to capture impact was an area of work requiring further action. Many of the performance indicators around this theme were dependent on the results of the resident survey which were still being analysed. It was proposed that a revised set of indicators to accompany the refreshed implementation plan in Year 2 would be presented to the Board in June 2023.


Resolved that (1) the Board are assured that the responsible theme leads are making progress in delivering the ambitions and actions in relation to the Places and Communities We Live In and With theme of the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025 and to reduce health inequalities; and

(2) the theme leads be requested to submit further progress reports to the Board in relation to their implementation plans for  ...  view the full minutes text for item HW32/23


Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - Maximising the Capabilities of Children, Young People and Adults pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the Maximising the Capabilities of Children, Young People and Adults theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan.

Additional documents:


In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.


In accordance with this process the North Tyneside Children and Young People Partnership submitted a report setting out the progress it had made as the theme lead in relation to the Maximising the Capabilities of Children, Young People and Adults theme. The report set out details of the actions taken against the implementation plan. The report was supplemented by two presentations which gave further details about all the efforts to maximise the capabilities of children, young people, and adults.


The Board discussed the challenges facing the early years childcare sector and how a diminishing sector may have a detrimental impact on the Board’s ambition for children to be ready for school. In response to questions officers also explained how there was a holistic multi-agency approach to the mental and emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people in the borough, supported by a unique strategic alliance with Barnardos.


Resolved that (1) the Board are assured that the North Tyneside Children and Young People Partnership is making progress in delivering the actions for Maximising the Capabilities of Children, Young People and Adults and to reduce health inequalities; and

(2) the North Tyneside Children and Young People Partnership be requested to submit further progress reports to the Board in relation to its implementation plan for next year, the delivery of those actions and their outcomes.


Healthwatch North Tyneside pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To consider a summary of the key work areas of Healthwatch North Tyneside and the issues residents have raised.


Paul Jones, Director of Healthwatch North Tyneside, presented an update on the activities undertaken over the past six months highlighting the key themes to emerge from this work.


Particular reference was made to work carried by Healthwatch gathering carers views and experiences, Healtwatch’s annual survey of residents, development of the Living Well North Tyneside website, the support it had provided for delivery of the Equally Well Strategy and its implementation plan, a focus on the breast screening programme and general issues to emerge associated with increases in the cost of living.


The Chair welcomed the report and the valuable work of Healthwatch in reflecting the voice of users within the health and social care system. The Board noted the arrangements within Healthwatch to record and monitor the response of service providers to its reports and recommendations. It was suggested that service providers be invited to report to the Board on the action taken to respond to feedback from users.


Resolved that the report from Healthwatch North Tyneside be noted.