Venue: Room 0.02, Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY
Contact: Michael Robson Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitute Members To receive a report on the appointment of Substitute Members. Any Member of the Board who is unable to attend the meeting may appoint a substitute member. The Contact Officer must be notified prior to the commencement of the meeting. Minutes: Pursuant to the Council’s constitution the appointment of the following substitute member was reported:-
Judy Scott for Julia Charlton (Healthwatch North Tyneside. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Voting Members of the Board are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest. They are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
Non voting members are invited to declare any conflicts of interest in matters appearing on the agenda and the nature of that interest.
Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Karen Clark declared a registerable personal interest in relation to delivery of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” because she was a Director and Employee of Justice Prince CIC which had contracts with North Tyneside Council to tackle health inequalities and poverty. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2023. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 March 2023 be confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Appointment to the Board PDF 74 KB To appoint a representative from the Department of Work and Pensions to the Board. Minutes: The Board was asked to consider the appointment of a representative from the Department of Work and Pensions as a member of the Board.
The Board had recently agreed a number of appointments to ensure that its membership was appropriate in terms of delivering the ambitions set out in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS). The Chair of the Board had suggested that a representative from the Department of Work and Pensions be appointed to reflect its focus on tackling the socio-economic determinants of health inequalities. Steve Martin from the Department had indicated a willingness to serve on the Board and was present at the meeting.
Resolved that a representative from the Department of Work and Pensions be appointed as a member of the Board. |
Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - Fair Employment and Good Work for All PDF 155 KB To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the Fair Employment and Good Work for All theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.
In accordance with this process the Council’s Director of Regeneration and Economic Development presented a report outlining the progress made in relation to the Fair Employment and Good Work for All theme. It was acknowledged that there was a two-way relationship between work and health: good work was both a result and driver of good health, impacting on the lives of residents and their communities. The evidence was clear that poor health was linked to unemployment and poor-quality work. Closing employment gaps across North Tyneside could unlock prosperity and improve health and wellbeing.
The report described the range of activities being delivered by the Council and its partners. The Board also received a presentation on Working Well North Tyneside which provided a one-stop-shop in North Shields to make it easier for residents to access employment and skills support, plus access to other services and information. The delivery of Working Well was led by the Council but operated in partnership with the NHS, Department of Work and Pensions, and the local community and voluntary sector.
In considering the report the Board: a) welcomed the strengthened connections between projects designed to secure employment and good work for all and its effect on the health and wellbeing of communities; b) considered the potential benefits of the proposed new North East devolution deal in terms of increased investment in economic growth, regeneration and skills training; c) discussed the support that would be required to enable workers aged over 50 to continue in employment, particularly when the healthy life expectancy in North Tyneside was 60.9 years; d) noted the impact of fair employment and good work on reducing crime and disorder; and e) acknowledged that work to develop and deliver age friendly strategies ought to be integrated with the Fair Employment and Good Work for All workstream next year.
Resolved that (1) the Board is assured that the respective partnerships are making progress in delivering the actions contained within the Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025 and its implementation plan for creating fair employment and good work for all; and (2) the respective partnerships be requested to submit further progress reports to the Board in relation to their implementation plans for next year, the delivery of those actions and their outcomes. |
Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - Our Lifestyles and Health Behaviours PDF 223 KB To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the Our Lifestyles and Health Behaviours theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.
In accordance with this process the Board received a report prepared on behalf of North Tyneside’s Drugs Alliance, Healthy Weight Alliance, Strategic Alcohol Partnership and Tobacco Alliance outlining the progress made by them in relation to the Our Lifestyles and Health Behaviours theme contained within the Strategy and implementation plan and some key achievements. It was stated that people making decisions about health and lifestyles was dependent upon and shaped by the context within which they live. There were differences in how people made decisions and the opportunities to change their behaviours. The Strategy therefore sought to support residents by tackling barriers to healthy lifestyle choices and address healthy behaviours in the context of their root causes in the wider determinants of health.
The Board also received a detailed presentation in relation to the Alcohol Health Needs Assessment undertaken in 2022/23 which aimed to understand the impact of alcohol misuse within North Tyneside using a combination of quantitative and qualitative data sources. Based on these findings, the assessment made several recommendations, focusing on strategic leadership; prevention, early intervention, and screening; data and intelligence; structure alcohol treatment; and groups more vulnerable to alcohol harm.
In considering the report the Board: a) heard about the impact of alcohol misuse on the increasing instances of violent and abusive behaviour by people accessing health services; b) discussed how the harm caused by alcohol misuse had to be balanced against the economic and social benefits. It was stated that the current licensing framework was not helpful in helping to address the negative impacts of alcohol on health; c) welcomed recent enforcement action taken by Trading Standards and Northumbria Police to seize illegal tobacco which had sent a clear message to businesses that such sales would not be tolerated as they posed a risk to health and were likely to be targeted at young people; d) considered the effectiveness of different methods of engaging with people with complex and multiple needs and how partners might come together to utilise additional funding to improve access to healthcare; and e) highlighted the need to address the perceived barriers between mental health support and treatment for substance abuse.
Resolved that (1) the progress made by the respective partnerships in delivering the ambitions and actions in relation to the Our Lifestyles and Health Behaviours theme of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy be noted; and (2) the recommendations contained within the Alcohol Health Needs Assessment be endorsed. |
Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - An Integrated Health and Care System PDF 138 KB To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the Integrated Health and Care System theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.
In accordance with this process the Board received a report in relation to the theme contained within the Strategy concerned with an integrated health and care system. The theme was about enabling different parts of the health and care system to work together effectively, in a way that will improve outcomes and address inequalities. The drive to integrate health and social care services was greater than ever, with improved experience for residents and more community-based support being delivered closer to home. The report set out examples of integration including the establishment of the Integrated Care Board place based arrangements for North Tyneside, collaborative work undertaken by the four Primary Care Networks in North Tyneside and the integration of services at the proposed Backworth Ageing Well Village development.
The Board also received a detailed presentation in relation to Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust’s Community Promise. The Promise was an award winning programme and commitment to focus on the full range of ways the Trust could make a difference to improving the community it served. The commitment was based on six key themes which related to the wider factors impacting on inequalities in the community, namely poverty, education, economy, employment, environment and wellbeing and involved a number of area of joint working with partners.
The Council’s Director of Housing and Property Services offered support in relation to delivery of the Ageing Well Village, the North Tyneside Care Academy, in terms of providing affordable homes, and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trusts Armed Forces Forum.
The Board welcomed the report and the approach taken by partners in North Tyneside to integrate services. There was a good track record of collaboration in the area and it was stated that whilst the report provided examples of this, integration extended much wider than the scope of the report.
Resolved that the progress being made in delivering an integrated health and social care approaches and services be noted. |
Place Based Partnership Working in North Tyneside PDF 158 KB To provide an overview of proposed placed based partnership arrangements in North Tyneside in the context of the developing Integrated Care System across the North East and North Cumbria. Minutes: The Board were provided with an overview of the proposed placed based partnership arrangements in North Tyneside in the context of the developing Integrated Care System across the North East and North Cumbria.
It was proposed that a new committee, the North Tyneside Health, Care and Wellbeing Executive be established to strengthen the current arrangements and support the developing Integrated Care Board (ICB) at place. While the Executive would undertake the statutory commissioning responsibilities and executive actions and decisions delegated to it by the ICB Executive Committee, it would also make decisions and take actions in relation to other shared local priorities within the delegated authority of its members.
It would also be accountable and report directly to the Health and Wellbeing Board as the work of this committee would directly contribute to the delivery of the North Tyneside Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy ‘Equally Well’ and in particular implementing the key priority of the strategy in relation to health and social care integration.
The Board was presented with details of the proposed membership of the Executive, its relationship with other existing partnerships, its approach to communication and engagement, an agreed set of shared goals and draft local priorities.
The proposals had been formulated in consultation with various partners and they represented the beginning of a process to establish and to develop over time the place based arrangements. The Board discussed the membership of the Executive and how the voice of communities could effectively be heard and influence decision making. Members of the Board stated that they had been reassured by the report which had helped to explain the role of the Executive and its relationship with existing structures.
Resolved that (1) the proposed arrangements for place based partnership working in North Tyneside be noted; and (2) the shared goals and draft local priorities for the place based arrangements be endorsed. |
Health Protection Assurance Report 2023 PDF 862 KB To present an overview of the health protection system and outcomes for North Tyneside as part of the Director of Public Health’s responsibility to provide assurance to the Health and Wellbeing Board that the current arrangements for health protection are robust and equipped to meet the needs of the population. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received an overview of the health protection system and outcomes for North Tyneside. The Director of Public Health had responsibility to provide assurance to the Health and Wellbeing Board that the current arrangements for health protection are robust and equipped to meet the needs of the population.
It was reported that North Tyneside had robust systems in place for the management of existing and emerging health protection issues. These systems were shared across a range of organisations and services including health, social care, environmental health, and public protection and led the Director of Public Health, with governance through the North Tyneside Health Protection Board.
An analysis of the data regarding health protection outcomes for screening, immunisation, communicable diseases, and air quality had highlighted that there were areas that may require further consideration and action to support the delivery of Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Consequently the Health Protection Board would continue to address the key priorities related to health protection in North Tyneside including cancer screening inequalities, vaccination inequalities and increased public and local stakeholder interest in infectious disease outbreaks such as mpox and Strep A. The unprecedented impact of the coronavirus pandemic and its mitigation measures continued to have an impact on screening programmes and other infectious diseases.
Resolved that (1) the areas that require improvement such as addressing inequalities across system wide screening and immunisation programmes be agreed; and (2) the Board is assured that the local health protection arrangements are robust and local stakeholders should continue to collaborate on a range of prevention and control measures. |