Venue: Room 0.02, Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY
Contact: Michael Robson Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitute Members To receive a report on the appointment of Substitute Members. Any Member of the Board who is unable to attend the meeting may appoint a substitute member. The Contact Officer must be notified prior to the commencement of the meeting. Minutes: Pursuant to the Council’s constitution the appointment of the following substitute members was reported:-
Colin Lowther for Mark Hall (Northumbria Police) Chloe Mann for Sarah Brown (Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust) |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Voting Members of the Board are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest. They are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
Non voting members are invited to declare any conflicts of interest in matters appearing on the agenda and the nature of that interest.
Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations reported. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2022. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 September 2022 be confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Healthy Weight Declaration PDF 109 KB To receive a progress report in relation to the Healthy Weight Declaration and to support its launch on 22 November 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: In September 2021 the Board had agreed to adopt the Healthy Weight Declaration. The Declaration was a strategic, system-wide commitment made across all council departments to promote healthy weight in local communities, to support people who wanted to lose weight and ultimately have an economic impact on health, social care and the local economy.
The Board had agreed to take a lead role, through the work of the Healthy Weight Alliance, in ensuring a whole systems approach to addressing the obesogenic environment and supporting individuals. Progress against the commitments contained within the Declaration and a broader action plan to reduce inequalities in weight and the food environment in North Tyneside was being overseen by the Healthy Weight Alliance and a further, more detailed report was to be presented to the Board at a future meeting.
The Board also agreed to support a joint approach with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to provide strong systems leadership across North Tyneside and effective partnership working in view of the complexities of tackling obesity. It was later agreed that the whole system approach would be further strengthened if Northumberland County Council jointly launched their Healthy Weight Declaration at the same time. It was therefore proposed that the Council, the Trust and the County Council would launch their Healthy Weight Declarations together on 22 November 2022, the first joint launch of this kind in the country. The launch would involve an online event with presentations from all three organisations to set out some of their proposals to address the relevant commitments and support healthy weight across the system.
In expressing its support for the launch, the Board considered the likely impact of the cost of living crisis on the levels of obesity within the community and the need for national policies and legislation if the country was to be serious about addressing the obesogenic environment.
Resolved that (1) the launch of the Healthy Weight Declaration on 22 November 2022 be noted and supported; (2) partners be requested to assure themselves that relevant staff from their own organisation will attend the launch; and (3) a further, broader report from the Healthy Weight Alliance be submitted to the Board meeting to be held on 9 March 2023. |
North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership - Draft Integrated Care Strategy PDF 102 KB To consider the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership’s Draft Integrated Care Strategy and provide comments and feedback to help further develop the strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) were required to form a joint committee with partner local authorities termed the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). The ICP was an equal partnership which aimed to join-up how health and care was supported across the region. The ICP would bring together a range of organisations, including voluntary, community and independent organisations to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of people who live in the region.
A key duty of the ICP was to produce an Integrated Care Strategy, setting out how the assessed needs of the local population would be met, including social care, primary and secondary care, physical and mental health, and health related service across the whole population regardless of age.
Peter Rooney, the ICB’s Director of Strategy and Planning, presented a draft Integrated Care Strategy and invited the Board to provide him with their comments. The draft strategy was very much evolving and would benefit from any feedback. The ICP would develop the strategy in light of views gathered as part of engagement during November with a view to presenting it at the next ICP meeting in December.
Members of the Board offered the following comments: a) It was difficult to disagree with the contents of the Strategy; b) the Board were comforted that its own Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy, “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and its implementation plan were aligned to, and picked up the themes contained within, the Integrated Care Strategy; c) the narrative associated with the presentation of the Strategy sounded top down but ought to reflect the reality that place has primacy and that there was a bottom up approach to determining how the assessed needs of local populations would be met; d) the emphasis on supporting carers was welcomed and the value in identifying young carers was highlighted; e) there was concern as to what the goals set out in the Strategy meant for North Tyneside when in some instances the ambitions set out were already near to being achieved in the borough. Having achieved these things North Tyneside aspired to make further improvements but there was concern that the area might lose out in terms of not being a priority within the overall system; f) the strategy omitted reference to the immediate pressures within the system for example treatment waiting times and the availability of dentistry services; g) the Board queried whether the preparation of the Strategy would be accompanied with bidding for additional resources to tackle the inequalities in the region; h) the Board also queried how the ICP might strengthen mechanisms for sharing good practice across the region; i) from an older person’s perspective there were two major issues requiring consideration. There appeared to be less tolerance in society with more anti-social behaviour and so people needed to be treated in the right way and the role of communities and neighbourhoods needed to be emphasised to tackle ... view the full minutes text for item HW24/22 |
North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board - North Tyneside Place Arrangements To receive an update on the development of the Integrated Care Board’s place based governance arrangements in North Tyneside. Minutes: Anya Paradis, the Integrated Care Board’s (ICB) Director of Place for North Tyneside provided an update on the development of the ICB’s place based arrangements in North Tyneside.
She explained that discussions had been ongoing with a range of organisations to consider the structural options available which included: a) a place based consultative forum which would act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Directors of Place; b) a formal place sub-committee of the ICB with formal delegation of NHS resources. The membership could include ICB staff and a range of partners but would be accountable to the ICB. Such a committee could not make decisions on behalf of other bodies; or c) a joint committee allowing collective decisions to be made on behalf of a number of organisations with reporting and assurance to both the ICB and the other constituent statutory bodies.
The direction to emerge from the discussions had been not to change what had been in place in North Tyneside and therefore it was proposed that a formal place sub-committee of the ICB be established with a delegated budget and delegated authority to use NHS resources and let contracts. Further discussions had been arranged for early December to determine the membership of the sub-committee, formulate its terms of reference and consider its priorities. Once a detailed proposal had been prepared this would be shared with the Board. The proposal would not prohibit the area from establishing a joint committee in the future.
The Board acknowledged that North Tyneside was starting from a strong position with good working relationships already in place, a Future Care Programme Board and a clear focus on the very old and very young. The local system was not waiting for these arrangements to be put in place. It had already secured £200,000 from the ICB to fund drug treatment and homeless services and help tackle health inequalities.
Resolved that the progress made in developing the ICB’s place based arrangements in North Tyneside be noted.
Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - Best Start in Life PDF 145 KB To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the Best Start in Life theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan.
Additional documents:
Minutes: In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.
In accordance with this process the Children and Young Person’s Partnership submitted a report to the Board setting out the progress made in relation to the Best Start in Life theme. The report highlighted the progress made in delivering the actions contained in the implementation plan, achievements to date, the direction of travel in terms of a range of performance indicators and how community engagement was influencing the work.
The Board received a short presentation on the development of Family Hubs. The hubs would offer support to families from conception and two, and to those with children of all ages, which is 0-19 or up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities, with a great start for life offer at their core. The Family Hub model would be key in how to identify, reach and support the most vulnerable families and communities, including those who do not usually engage.
The Board considered the likely impact of the cost of living crisis on increasing demand for support services, including the emergency services. In terms of public engagement it was acknowledged that the progress to date would need to be reported back to those involved and that the family and community hub model provided a good way of engaging with people in conjunction with the community and voluntary sector. The Board also noted the importance of eye tests which were offered to all reception year children in North Tyneside.
Resolved (1) the progress made so far by the Children and Young Person’s Partnership in delivering the ambitions and actions associated with the Best Start in Life theme of the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy be noted; and (2) the approach to develop and deliver Family Hubs in North Tyneside be endorsed.
Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy - Ensuring a Healthy Standard of Living for All PDF 90 KB To consider progress made in delivering the ambitions and actions relating to the ensuring a healthy standard of living for all theme contained in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy “Equally Well: A healthier, fairer future for North Tyneside 2021-25” and implementation plan.
Minutes: In November 2021 the Board had adopted a revised Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): Equally Well: A Healthier, Fairer Future for North Tyneside 2021-2025. The Board subsequently agreed a process through which the delivery of the ambitions and actions in relation to each of the seven impact areas contained in the Strategy would be reported and monitored.
In accordance with this process the Poverty Intervention Partnership Board submitted a report to the Board setting out the progress made in relation to the Ensure a Healthy Standard of Living for All theme. The report highlighted the progress made in delivering the actions contained in the implementation plan, achievements to date, progress made in compiling a set of performance indicators and how inequalities were being tackled in collaboration with those affected, including the State of the Area event.
In considering the healthy standard of living for all theme the Board emphasised the role of partner organisations, as large employers in the area, to support those employees who were experiencing poverty. Board members also discussed the increasing costs of transport to and from healthcare appointments and ways to tackle debt.
Resolved that the progress made by the Poverty Intervention Partnership Board in delivering the ambitions and actions associated with the Ensure a Healthy Standard of Living for All theme of the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy be noted. |
Review of Membership of the Board PDF 83 KB To review the membership of the Board to ensure that the range of organisations represented at meetings are appropriate in terms of delivering the ambitions set out in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy. Minutes: In accordance with the Board’s request in September 2022, the Chair, Deputy Chair and other leading members of the Board had reviewed its membership to ensure that the range of organisations represented at meetings were appropriate in terms of delivering the ambitions set out in the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS). Having concluded that there needed to be broader representation on the Board to reflect the ambitions contained in the Strategy relating to the wider determinants such as education, employment and housing the Board were presented with proposals to make changes to the membership.
Resolved that (1) the following additional persons be appointed as members of the Board: a) the Council’s Assistant Chief Executive, b) the Council’s Director of Regeneration and Economic Development, c) the Council’s Director of Housing and Property Services, d) the Council’s Assistant Director of Education, Employment and Skills, e) a representative from the Poverty Intervention Partnership Board; and f) a representative from the North Tyneside Business Forum; and (2) the appointment of a representative from the North Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board be removed from membership of the Board. |