Venue: This meeting will be held remotely via Teams - Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Dave Parkin
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair The Sub-Committee to appoint a Chair for this meeting.
Minutes: Resolved that Councillor T Mulvenna be appointed Chair for this meeting. |
Declaration of Interest and Dispensations You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensations in relation to any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda. Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest or Dispensations reported. |
Morrisons Supermarket, Preston North Road, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE29 9QR PDF 181 KB To consider an application for a variation to a Premises Licence. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-committee met virtually to consider an application for the variation of a Premises Licence in respect of Morrisons Supermarket, Preston North Road, North Shields.
The Applicant, Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC, sought permission to increase the hours that it was permitted to supply alcohol for consumption off the Premises, increase the hours that it was open to the public and to add the provision of Late Night Refreshment to the licence.
The Premises were currently permitted to supply alcohol for consumption off the Premises between 06.00 hours and 00.00 hours with the premises open to the public each day for the same hours.
The applicant sought to amend the licence to permit the sale of alcohol and the opening hours from 00.00 hours to 24.00 hours every day of the week and to provide Late Night Refreshments between 23.00 hours and 05.00 hours.
Following introductions, the Chair set out the procedure which would be followed during the course of the hearing.
Mr J Young, Licensing Officer, presented details of the application, the representations received and the options available to the Sub-committee.
The Sub-committee referred to the written representations submitted in respect of the application.
Mr R Taylor, solicitor for the applicant, addressed the Sub-committee in relation to the application. He responded to questions from members of the Sub-committee and the Sub-committee’s legal advisor.
Mr Taylor was given the opportunity to sum up his particular submission.
The Sub-committee withdrew from the meeting to make its decision in private.
Resolved that the application to vary the Premises Licence in respect of Morrisons Supermarket, Preston North Road, North Shields be approved subject to the following additional conditions:
1. The Licence Holder will ensure that whenever the Premises are open for the sale of alcohol between 00.00 hours and 06.00 hours there will be a minimum of one Security Industry Approved person on duty at the Premises whose responsibilities will include: -
· monitoring persons entering and leaving the Premises, · regularly monitoring the external areas of the Premises within the direct control of the Licence Holder including the car park, · Preventing excessive noise in the external areas of the Premises under the direct control of the Licence Holder such as customers playing loud music, shouting or any other activity that generates excessive amounts of noise.
2. The café area of the Premises will be closed to the public between 23.00 hours and 05.00 hours.
Reasons for Decision: Having heard the oral representations, having taken into account the written representations, and having had regard to the guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, North Tyneside Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the licensing objective in relation to the prevention of crime which underpins the Licensing Act 2003, the Sub-committee concluded that:-
1. The imposition of the conditions on the licence will promote the Licensing Objectives and address the residents’ concerns.