Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Committee - Thursday, 3rd October, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: 0.01 Chamber - Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY. View directions

Contact: Dave Parkin; Tel 0191 643 5316  Email:

No. Item


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There were no declarations of interest.



Review of Cumulative Impact Assessment pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To give consideration to a report which provides an update on the evidence collected in relation to the review of the Authority’s Cumulative Impact Assessment which had been considered by the Committee in July 2024.

Additional documents:


The Committee were presented with a report to provide an update on the consultation responses following the review of the draft Cumulative impact Assessment (CIA) and to seek agreement to the publication of the CIA attached to the report.


The Committee noted that it agreed at its previous meeting that a consultation could be undertaken on the Cumulative Impact Assessment.  In addition the Committee asked for the Neighbourhood Inspector to attend to provide information on the date for North Shields and Wallsend.


The committee were advised that an online survey was undertaken  and 29 responses were received.  27 responses were from residents, 1 was from a responsible authority and 1 from a license holder.


The responses overall were in agreement with the areas included. It was noted that people have been thinking differently about they type of premises they are opening.  Several comments were made during the consultation and were set out in the appendix to the report.  Mixed views were raised on the current CIA, however, no specific evidence was provided as part of the consultation.


Northumbria Police have collated data regarding the crime and anti-social behaviour in the Wallsend and North Shields area.  In these two areas, crime and Anti-social behaviour predominantly took place in premises not involved with the sale of alcohol.  The Committee noted that in North Shields, most crime took place around North Shields Metro Station, Railway Terrace and commercial premises including the Beacon Centre.  In Wallsend crime was largely concentrated around commercial premises.  During the period the most common crime type in both areas was theft/shoplifting followed by common assault.


In both areas the most common types of ASB are not those associated with licensed premises.  Over the last 12 months the most common incident types in North Shields were related to nuisance, inappropriate use of public space, begging/vagrancy, and neighbourly disputes.  In Wallsend the most common incident types were related to nuisance, neighbourly disputes and inappropriate use of public space.


It is not possible for the Police to link any of the incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour to any particular licensed premises so there is no evidence to suggest that a Cumulative Impact Assessment is required.  The Committee were advised that in terms of policing it is business as usual and any hotspots identified will be tackled via ongoing police operations.


The was queried why it was felt that the number of responses was a good response as it appeared low.  It was also suggested that some ward members had not been informed of the consultation.  It was noted that the consultation was on the “Have Your Say” section of the website.  An email was also sent out to all licensees and the responsible authorities.


It was queried whether we are saying that there is a problem with the Whitley Bay area, it was noted that we aren’t saying that but when the CIA was established there was a very different environment to what there is now. 


It was queried as to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4/24