Venue: Room 0.02, Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, NE27 0BY
Contact: Karen Robson Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of substitutes To be informed of the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting. Minutes: Pursuant to the Council's Constitution the appointment of the following substitute members was reported: Councillor Spowart for Councillor Grey |
Declarations of Interest You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also requested to complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation from the requirement to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Montague declared a non-registerable personal interest in agenda Item 6 as he has worked with local residents. Councillor Montague advised that he would not take part in the determination of the application and would leave the meeting whilst it was considered.
Councillors Samuel and Councillor Spowart advised the Committee that they know the applicant in relation agenda Item 8 however they were not pre-determined in respect of the application.
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 March 2024. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2024 be confirmed. |
Planning Officer Reports PDF 345 KB To receive the attached guidance to members in determining planning applications and to give consideration to the planning applications listed in the following agenda items. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received guidance in relation to the principles of decision making when determining planning applications and then gave consideration to the planning applications listed in the following minutes.
To determine a reserved matters application from Persimmon Homes (North East) for the submission of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of the erection of 199 dwellings, garages, car parking together with associated boundary treatment and infrastructure pursuant to hybrid application 16/01885/FUL (amended description). Minutes: The Committee considered a report from planning officers in relation to a reserved matters application for the submission of details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of the erection of 199 dwellings, garages, car parking together with associated boundary treatment and infrastructure pursuant to hybrid application 16/01885/FUL.
A planning officer presented details with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
In accordance with the Committee’s speaking rights scheme, Mr Culverhouse and Mr Tuck addressed the Committee, speaking in objection to the application. The representations are summarised below.
Mr Tuck raised concerns regarding the lack of information regarding the protection of wildlife. He also raised concerns regarding siting of the properties and that the development will block light to those properties next to the development site. It was also stated that no consideration has been given regarding current boundaries with the proposed development being built up to the existing fence line of the neighbouring properties to the site.
Mr Culverhouse raised concerns regarding the notifications carried out for the planning application process, the plans used being out of date and the heights of the proposed houses which are adjacent to existing bungalows. He also raised concerns regarding the impact upon the value of his property, the financial contribution to the local education system and queried where this would be reflected as there are only two primary schools in the area. Further, that the development will impact upon the privacy of the existing properties, and queried if clean air policies had been considered and by building along the border fence lines of existing properties will prevent access.
Mr Richard Cook on behalf of Persimmon Homes was permitted to address the Committee in support of the application. Mr Cook made reference to the outline hybrid application which was approved and asked that the committee to support the application.
Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers and made comments, in doing so the Committee gave consideration to: · Biodiversity and ecology · Proximity of the dwellings · Impact upon light · The approved outline hybrid application
Based upon the considerations of the Committee the Chair proposed acceptance of the officers recommendation. On being put to the vote, 8 members voted for the recommendation, there were no votes against.
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out within the planning officers report.
(Reasons for the Decision: The Committee concluded that having regard to the relevant policies contained in the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework the layout, scale appearance and landscaping were considered acceptable)
24/00122/FUL - Conservative Club, Benton House, Front Street, Benton PDF 923 KB To determine an application from Acorn Care and Education for a change of use from conservative club and residential use to education use (Class F1), associated external alterations to the building, and alterations to the grounds including provision of a multi-use games area and new fencing. Minutes: The Committee considered a report from planning officers in relation to a full planning application for the change of use from a conservative club and residential use to education use (Class F1), associated external alterations to the building and alterations to the grounds including provision of a multi-use games area and new fencing.
A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
Mr Dodds had registered his intention to speak in objection to the application but did not attend the meeting. In accordance with the Committee’s speaking rights scheme as the objector did not attend, Emily Johnson from Alder King Planning Consultants (on behalf of the applicant) was not permitted to address the Committee.
Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers and made comments. In doing to the Committee gave consideration to: · Parking management plan for the site · Location of MUGA within the site · Use of the premises · Hours of operation
Based upon the considerations of the Committee the Chair proposed acceptance of the officers recommendation. On being put to the vote, 9 members voted for the recommendation with 0 votes against.
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out within the planning officer’s report.
(Reasons for the Decision: The Committee concluded that having regard to relevant policies contained in the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework the proposed development was acceptable. It was considered that the development would not have an adverse impact on the highway network and will not result in a residual cumulative impact that will be severe. The development will also deliver a net gain for biodiversity).
24/00374/FUL - 23 Cauldwell Lane, Whitley Bay PDF 823 KB To determine a full planning application from Mr Paul Llewelyn for the change of use from health store to micropub.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report from planning officers in relation to a full planning application for the change of use from health store to mircro pub.
A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
Mr Hindmarsh had registered his intention to speak in objection to the application but did not attend the meeting. The applicant, Mr Llewelyn was present at the meeting.
Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave consideration to: · The potential impact on residential properties · Impact upon the conservation area · Impact upon the highway network · Noise from the development · Hours of opening · Hours of delivery
Based upon the considerations of the Committee the Chair proposed acceptance of the officers recommendation. On being put to the vote, 9 members voted for the recommendation with 0 votes against.
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out within the planning officers report.
(Reasons for the Decision: The Committee concluded that having regard to relevant policies contained in the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework the proposed development was acceptable in terms of the principle of development and will not result in a severe adverse impact on the residential amenity of surrounding residents).
24/00076/FULM - Boundary Mills, Park Lane, Shiremoor PDF 902 KB To determine a full planning application from Libra Textiles Ltd for extension to the front of retail unit providing 1767m2 of replacement floor space to an existing retail store. Demolition of a detached retail unit totalling 2043m2 and remodelling the existing car park.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report from planning officers, together with an addendum circulated prior to the meeting in relation to a full application for the extension to the front of the retail unit and demolition of a detached retail unit and remodelling the existing car park.
A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
The Committee were informed that a biodiversity net gain report has been submitted along with a landscaping plan as part of the application however as the detail does not include sufficient information regarding the maintenance of the landscaping scheme, an additional condition was proposed relating to the management and monitoring of the landscaping and wildlife scheme.
Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave consideration to:
· The principle of the development · Potential impact on amenity · Impact on character and appearance · Impact on highway safety · biodiversity
Based on the considerations of the Committee the Chair proposed acceptance of the officers recommendation, including an additional condition relating to the management and monitoring of the landscaping and wildlife scheme. On being put to the vote 9 members voted for the recommendation with 0 votes against.
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out within the officer report and Condition 27 to read as follows:
‘Prior to the construction of any part of the development hereby approved above damp proof course level, a detailed 30-year Landscape and Ecological Management and Monitoring Plan (LEMMP) for the long-term management and monitoring of landscaping and wildlife habitats and species within the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This plan shall include details of long-term design, management and monitoring objectives, management responsibilities, timescales and maintenance schedules for all newly created and enhanced habitats within the site. Thereafter, these areas shall be managed and maintained in full accordance with these agreed details unless first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan will include details on the creation, enhancement and management of all habitats identified within the Biodiversity Net Gain Report (Ecology Services UK Ltd, No:5329675, March 2024), Statutory Biodiversity Metric (Ecology Services UK Ltd, 1st March 2024) and approved Landscape Plans. Monitoring Reports will be submitted to the LPA for review in years 3, 5 and 10 and 5 yearly thereafter, and will include a Net Gain Assessment update as part of the report. Any changes to habitat management as part of this review will require approval in writing from the LPA.
(Reasons for the Decision: The Committee concluded that having regard to relevant policies contained in the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework the proposed development was acceptable. It was also determined that the approval of the additional condition will ensure that local wildlife populations are protected). |
24/00267/FULM - Warehouse West of 2 Grieves Row, Dudley PDF 833 KB To determine a full planning application for the construction of a new building over the existing yard to allow the HGV’s to be loaded under cover from the elements. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report from planning officers, together with an addendum circulated prior to the meeting in relation to a full application for the construction of a new building over the existing yard to allow HGVs to be loaded under cover.
A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
The Committee were informed that the Coal Authority had now responded to the consultation and had not raised any objections to the proposed development and therefore the recommendation was to grant permission.
Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave consideration to: · The principle of the development · Potential impact on amenity · Impact on character and appearance · Impact on highway safety · Biodiversity
Based on the considerations of the Committee the Chair proposed acceptance of the officers recommendation, including an additional condition relating to the management and monitoring of the landscaping and wildlife scheme. On being put to the vote 9 members voted for the recommendation with 0 votes against.
RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out within the officer’s report
(Reason for the Decision: The Committee concluded that having regard to relevant policies contain in the Local Plan and National Planning Policy Framework the proposed development was acceptable).