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No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitutes To be informed of the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting. Minutes: Pursuant to the Council's Constitution the appointment of the following substitute members were reported:
Councillor T Mulvenna for Councillor M Thirlaway Councillor A Spowart for Councillor P Oliver |
Declarations of Interest You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also requested to complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation from the requirement to declare any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations reported. |
Planning Officer Reports PDF 90 KB To receive the attached guidance to members in determining planning applications and to give consideration to the planning applications listed in the following agenda items. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received guidance in relation to the principles of decision making when determining planning applications and then gave consideration to the planning applications listed in the following minutes.
To determine a full planning application from Bellway Homes Ltd (North East) and Banks Property Ltd for the phased construction of 539 residential dwellings with means of access, landscaping, open space, sustainable drainage, public rights of way diversion and associated infrastructure. Additional documents: Minutes:
The planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
In the absence of Councillor Jamieson Mr S Bolton read out the statement which she would have given had she been able to attend the meeting. She made reference to the lack of supporting infrastructure and the failure to guarantee that the infrastructure would be put in place if the development was not completed. She also referred to concerns in relation to traffic and in particular the junction between Killingworth Road and Great Lime Road. She explained that traffic was already heavy on Great Lime Road and it was not unusual at peak times for traffic to have to queue for long periods. She also explained that the junction at Killingworth Road was already unsafe due to its layout. It was also close to a primary school and a large number of children crossed the road at that junction. She suggested that the application be deferred to allow a full assessment of the safety of the Killingworth Road/Great Lime Road/Station Road junctions to be carried out and plans put in place to provide a solution to the concerns raised.
In accordance with the Committee’s Speaking Rights Scheme Mr S Bolton was permitted to address the Committee in relation to his representation. He referred to the masterplan and the need for the provision of 25% affordable housing on the site and the need for proper access roads to address police concerns in relation to rat running traffic. He suggested that the traffic assessment was flawed, that schools in the area were full and the infrastructure was failing. He questioned how 3000 new homes within a one-mile radius could be provided without the appropriate infrastructure being put in place. He referred to the loss of biodiversity and suggested that the flood risk had not been assessed correctly. He also made reference to the large number of objections to the application. He also stated that, due to the layout of the site, there would be many properties overlooking his home, leading to a loss of privacy and amenity.
Mr A Baty also addressed the Committee in relation to his concerns about the application. He explained that he represented a number of residents of his street. He suggested that North Tyneside was currently over populated. He explained that the existing road network could not cope with the current traffic levels and he also referred to smells and poison from existing traffic levels. He suggested that the application should be refused or at least scaled ... view the full minutes text for item PQ66/23 |
19/01095/FULES Land off Killingworth Lane, Killingworth PDF 1 MB Hybrid application comprising: Full planning permission for the change of use of agricultural land and development of 432 no. residential dwellings (including affordable housing), highway improvements and associated infrastructure and engineering works, creation of a new access from the A19 Interchange, SUDS, landscaping and open space, and other ancillary works. Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except access for the change of use of agricultural land and development of 118 no. residential dwellings (including affordable housing), residential development of High Farm with 6 no. new dwellings, associated infrastructure and engineering works, landscaping and open space, and other ancillary works. Additional documents:
The Committee considered a report from the planning officers together with the addenda circulated in advance of the meeting, in relation to a hybrid application submitted by Northumberland Estates comprising: full planning permission for the change of use of agricultural land and the development of 432 residential dwellings (including affordable housing), highway improvements and associated infrastructure and engineering works, creation of a new access from the A19 Interchange, SUDS, landscaping and open space, and other ancillary works. Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except access for the change of use of agricultural land and development of 118 residential dwellings (including affordable housing), residential development of High Farm with 6 no. new dwellings, associated infrastructure and engineering works, landscaping and open space, and other ancillary works on land off Killingworth Lane, Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne.
The planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of various maps, plans and photographs.
In accordance with the Authority’s speaking rights scheme Ms S Taverner was permitted to address the Committee on behalf of the Killingworth Village Residents’ Association. She referred to the lack of affordable housing on the site and questioned the viability report that had been presented in respect of the application. She also explained that many of the properties described as 3 or 4 bed properties were actually 2 or 3 bed properties due to the very limited dimensions of the bedrooms. She also questioned the size of the buffer planting zone which she explained should be 50 metres wide and not around 45 metres as now indicated. Reference was also made to the issue of traffic and access to the site. She suggested that the infrastructure should be put in place before the construction of the houses. She concluded by stating that a number of minor adverse impacts could build up to become a major impact on local residents.
In accordance with the Authority’s speaking rights scheme Mr G Munden (Northumberland Estates) was permitted to address the Committee on behalf of the applicant. He explained that the site had provided a lot of challenges and that the original plans for the road network had originally been costed at around £3M and following discussions with National Highways this had increased to around £12M which had created a strain on the viability of the development. He referred to the applicant providing highways improvements and money towards the provision of additional school places in the area, improved public transport, 10% affordable housing secured via a Section 106 agreement. He also explained that the development would provide 11% biodiversity net gain and the applicant had a history of delivering similar projects.
Members of the Committee asked questions of the speakers and officers and made comments. In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to: a) The funding and timetable in relation to the provision of the access road and junction improvements required by National Highways; b) The changes to the provision of the 50 metre buffer zone; c) The timescales for ... view the full minutes text for item PQ67/23 |