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Contact: Joanne Holmes 0191 643 5315 Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitute Members To be notified of the appointment of Substitute Members. Minutes: There were no substitute members. |
Declarations of Interest You are invited to declare any registerable and/or non registerable interests in matters appearing on the agenda, and the nature of that interest.
You are also invited to disclose any dispensation in relation to any registerable and/or non-registerable interests that have been granted to you in respect of any matters appearing on the agenda.
Please complete the Declarations of Interests card available at the meeting and return it to the Democratic Services Officer before leaving the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To Confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2022 be confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Availability and Access to NHS Dentistry Services in North Tyneside To receive information from NHS England on the availability of dentistry services in North Tyneside.
Minutes: Pauline Fletcher, Senior Primary Care Manager, NHS England, and Simon Taylor, Local Dental Network Chair for the Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, attended the meeting to provide a presentation on Provision of NHS General Dental Services in North Tyneside.
The presentation set out background information on the commissioning of NHS dental services which is activity and demand led. It was noted that pre-Covid, in 2019-20, around 91% of the total commissioned capacity in North Tyneside was utilised, demonstrating that at that time practices were meeting the expressed demand of the local population. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the requirement to follow strict infection prevention control guidance, has seen a significant impact on access to dental care over the last 2 years, with demand for dental care remaining high across all NHS dental practices.
The presentation set out the current pressures and challenges for the commissioning of dental services. These include the impact of COVID-19, NHS dental contract and dental system reform, and workforce recruitment and retention.
It was noted that Covid had caused a large backlog of unmet need and patients requiring more complex and lengthier treatment. This has made it more difficult for patients with low priority to get an appointment, such as those seeking check up appointments. In addition, there were issues in relation to dental professionals choosing to retire early, move to private practice, or move away from dentistry all together. There have also been overseas recruitment difficulties and constraints in attracting trainees to rural and other areas that may have a greater need, and this was impacting on the ability to deliver commissioned levels of service or additional access for patients.
It was noted that a package of initial reforms to the NHS dental contract had been published by NHS England in July 2022. These included:
- Prioritising care for patients with high needs by increasing the remuneration practices receive for more complex treatments. - National minimum UDA value - £23 from 1 October 2022 (although rates in North Tyneside are above this). - Greater flexibility in how dental funding can be used by enabling practices who can deliver more to do so and to release funding locked into practices who are unable to deliver the commissioned activity so that it can be moved to those who can deliver. - Personalisation of recall intervals - move away from the default position of patients attending every 6 months to intervals that are clinically appropriate based on the oral health of the patient – create capacity for practices to take on new care. - Making it easier for practices to introduce skill mix - utilising the skills of the wider dental care professionals (dental therapists and hygienists) to work within their full scope of practise thereby freeing up dentist time to focus on more complex treatments. - Improving information for patients - requirement for dentists to update the NHS.
The Sub-committee was advised that all dental practices are able to safely provide a full range of treatments, however ... view the full minutes text for item ASCH23/22 |
To receive an update on:
- Northumbria Health Care Trust Care Pilot - Care Northumbria – a new service from Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust Minutes: 1. Northumbria Health Care Trust Care Pilot
The Sub-committee considered a presentation which provided an update on the Health and Social Care Pilot.
The Sub-committee noted that the pilot had been initiated in the context of increased pressure on the home care market and a more complex health system and the need to consider new delivery models. The pilot was intended to increase communication between the social care and health sectors, to facilitate improved patient quality and continuity of care, and the development of new roles where one individual can deliver both health and social care tasks to patients in their home.
It was noted that, in order to be selected for the pilot, patients were required to have both health and social care needs and to be currently on the brokerage list. The team supporting the pilot included one matron and seven health care assistants and the main areas of support provided included: assistance with meal preparation, support with confidence and competence to maintain daily living skills, mobility, medication prompts and monitoring, low level wound care, personal care, phlebotomy, health checks, nutrition assessment and dietary advice, moving and handling assessments, provision of low-level aids and adaptions.
The Sub-committee was advised that 7 patients had taken part in the pilot altogether and the current caseload is four patients. An evaluation of the pilot against quality indicators had taken place in relation to non-elective hospital admissions, A&E attendances and long term admissions to care, and the indicators were that the pilot had reduced attendance at hospital and hospital admissions but this was based on the very small numbers involved. An evaluation had also taken place with staff and patients and the responses had been positive.
It was noted that a number of challenges and opportunities had been identified as a result of the pilot, including:
· Difficulties of identifying patients on the brokerage list with low level health needs; · The team was limited to 3 calls per day, therefore were not able to include those requiring 4 daily visits; · Limited resource due to restricted time visits i.e. breakfast, lunch, teatime, influencing downtime
The following opportunities had been identified:
· Continuing to foster relationships across the two organisations sharing appropriate training and communication pathways; · Using the skills and resources of the team to enhance current or new models of care delivery; · Sharing the learning from the pilot to inform future service design.
It was noted that an evaluation report is currently being finalised for submission to respective chief executives. The formal report will provide opportunities for learning and will outline an options appraisal for the future function of the team. There is a continued commitment for health and social care to work together in this area.
Members expressed some disappointment at the small numbers involved in the pilot and the limits on the pilot due to staff resources and the need for patients to meet quite limited criteria in terms of their social care and health needs to be eligible to take part. ... view the full minutes text for item ASCH24/22 |
Joint OSC for the NE&NC ICS and North and Central ICPs' PDF 245 KB To receive an update following the meeting of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee held on 17 October 2022.
A copy of the agenda and papers from the meeting are attached for information. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-committee received an update from member’s following the meeting of the regional health scrutiny meeting which was held on 17 October 2022.
It was noted that the presentations from the meeting had been circulated to the Sub-committee with the agenda and papers. |