Decision details

Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge - Report and Action Plan (All Wards)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet considered a report on the Local Government Association Peer Challenge that had taken place in North Tyneside between 18 – 21 June 2019 with experienced colleagues, led by a serving Chief Executive of a similar Authority and an Elected Mayor. 


The site visit comprised of a range of meetings, focus groups and one to one discussions with a cross section of members, officers and partners.


From a combination of the background material provided to the Peer Team and discussions held with them the Team sought to answer five questions, which were a core component of all Peer Challenges:


      i.        Understanding of the local place and priority setting

    ii.        Leadership of place

   iii.        Organisational leadership and governance

   iv.        Financial planning and viability; and

    v.        Capacity to deliver.


In answering the questions, the Peer Team were very positive about the Borough, the organisation and its partners.  They saw North Tyneside as an attractive and vibrant place with members, staff, partners and residents all passionate about the Borough.  They felt the Authority was effective, well led and well managed providing good quality services and with a very positive culture.  They had identified successful regeneration across the Borough recognised by partners and residents. 


Their recommendations focussed on four important areas; how the organisation told its story, explained its plans and aligned its enabling services against those plans; ensuring regeneration work was inclusive; making sure a four-year medium term financial plan was in place to deliver the priorities of the Elected Mayor and Cabinet, and maximising participation and influence in the North of Tyne Combined Authority.


The Peer Team had presented feedback to Cabinet Members and the Senior

Leadership Team, and had also made some helpful recommendations for the

Authority’s future planning.  The feedback session had been followed up with

a written report which was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.  


The detailed recommendations from the challenge were summarised in an action plan attached to the report at Appendix 2.   As part of the peer challenge process, the Local Government Association provided further support, advice and guidance. The process also included a follow up visit which was expected to take place within the next two years.  The Authority had already signalled it would take up this offer.


The Deputy Mayor, on behalf of the Elected Mayor, thanked everyone

involved including  Elected Members, staff and partners who had given their

time and support to the review and Sarah Fish who had coordinated the

arrangements for the review.


Cabinet considered the following decision options: either to note the findings and agree the action plan, or alternatively, to note the findings and not agree the action plan.


Resolved that (1) the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge feedback report at Appendix 1 to the report, be noted;

(2)  the action plan at Appendix 2 to the report, be approved.


(Reason for decision: The report is based on material provided by the Authority and extensive discussion with relevant members, officers, partners and residents; and the action plan is, in part, a response to the feedback report but is also aligned to the work set in train by the Elected Mayor and Cabinet as priorities for the new Chief Executive last summer.)


Report author: Paul Hanson

Publication date: 15/11/2019

Date of decision: 14/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 14/10/2019 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: